
Poll: Sick of Yahoo Answers Q's on pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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This is linked to a good answer I got on one of my q's yestersday....

Why do so many idiots come on saying 'Am I pregnant?'

And why on earth would you come to Y/A for re-assurance?

I also have to laugh at the complicated questions of the type:-

"I had s*x just before my period, at my boyfriend's sister's-nephew's house. It was a dark and stormy night, 12 degrees celsius, wind speed 7. I ate four burnt bagels and I danced the boogaloo. Am I pregnant?"

Or am I just impatient???




  1. that text sounds liek a horror movie the dark stormy night wind current degrees? how does that effect pregnency?

  2. Same as am i pretty.

  3. these questions are posted by young teenagers and well i dont mind answering them if they need an answer and havent been well informed by there parents on how things work then why shouldnt they ask a question you dont have to answer it.  

  4. so true.....that's exactly why i don't go to that section any more.....

    they ask the same question something like 1000000times....boring....get a life...get a condom!!

  5. No, i feel sick to think how people can just through their lives away - despite the fact they don't have to fall pregnant if they have to have s*x, and the thread of aids  

  6. lmao...Yes. It's annoying and pointless. It would be so much more sensible to just buy a pregnancy test kit.

  7. stay away from the pregnancy and trying to conceive sections then!

  8. I Avoid those Qs, but very important to some People...!!

  9. LOL !!

    i think at a night like that.. even if there wasnt intercourse, sperms would run away "in there" for shelter  

    i agree with u  :D

  10. Take a test, then!

  11. loooooooooooooooooool

  12. I just had s*x with my girlfriend yesterday and her period is late, is she pregnant?

    I hate that too.  The best one I ever read was, "My boyfriend used his fingers on me after he had an o****m.  I have never had s*x can I get pregnant if he had some sperm on his fingers?"

  13. I don't know why they'd come on here? As for reassurance, no idea, only a pregnancy test is going to give you real reassurance.

    lmao at your question! I am feeling the same way you are but didn't dare say it! (If I feel sick at 3am and my stomache hurts at 9pm and my period is due in 1 1/2 weeks and we didn't use any protection, but I stood on my head for 3 hours and then took a long bath... could I still be pregnant?)

    I taught my kids how to not get pregnant and even went to family planning with them. Maybe more parents need to get involved so their daughters will turn to them and not ::sigh:: the internet!

    As a side note, speaking of condoms, my daughter had a "condom box". She took a box decorated it up (cute as all could be) and stacked a ton of condoms from family planning in it. All different types, regular, glow in the dark, colored, normal, ribbed.. you get the idea ;) I remember once saying to my boyfriend "oh let me go get my daughter's condom box".... he probably thought I was nuts ;) lmao.. hey better safe then sorry and if the girl wanted to decorate by all means make a condom box and use the condoms (or mom will ;) LOL

  14. if tehy r confusd about bein pregnt thye shold get a testin ting.

  15. LOL..thank you for making my morning..

    I can't stop laughing at the four bagels bit, your right, they can go on sometimes...can't we all though, eh?

  16. That's why I come here to see what the the Idiots are up to?

  17. lmfao " wind speed 7"

    and no i like them questions

  18. hehehe i know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but seriously guys, bagels are no laughing matter  :>[

  19. Hey don't take the mick outta my Q !! it was windy ok ...  that makes a difference right ?? RIGHT? well thats what they say in the trailer park and it wasn't the boogaloo it was the agadoo ........ *sulks*

  20. lmao! i agree. what do they think we are physcic? thats so funny. why dont they go to the doc. or take a prego test. thats what normal people do.

  21. Am i pregnant.

  22. LOL, so true, so true!

    They should really just get a pregnancy test or visit the doctor instead of asking us.

  23. I am scared to post my question now...............

    I have been getting fatter day by day over the last 9 months .  I have a huge beer belly now and I don't drink beer.  I have a strange kicking sensation inside of me and pains are tearing me in two.

    OMG what is happening?  Do you think I am pregnant. ;-))))

  24. Yeah, some questions are annoying. But all you have to do is ignore them, haha!

  25. you made me smile i am going to star you. i rarely star.

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