
Poll: To married couples: Does the honeymoon period end?

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If so, how long into the marriage did it start to wither?




  1. I would say yes...I wish it would stay longer,though. I would say about a month after cause our car got stolen. Other than that it would have lasted longer.

  2. It changes, of course.  You can't keep that giddy, butterflies in the tummy feeling forever.  If it doesn't change, it stagnates and that's not good, either..

    It changes, and changes again and again over the years.  Each new experience together will help change things, until eventually, it turns into a solid union.  (Or not, as the case may be.)  

  3. Yes it does.  Hard to say for me because we lived together for five years first.  This is not a bad thing though because at some point you need to wake up from the "Love Haze" and start moving forward in life.  If you put a little spice in the soup now and then, though, you can always re-live the magic!

  4. I have been married for 42 years and the honeymoon never ends if you do not want it too. We still love each other more and more everyday and still get away for the week end every once in a while. We always make time for each other and never go to bed upset with each other.  

  5. It has to end because it's impossible to keep up that kind of activity years upon years into marriage.  I think it ends progressively, so it's not like you'll notice it right off the bat...slowly you'll learn that you're not as "active" in the s*x area as you used to be with your spouse.  

    But you know what?  That's okay.  Then you start working on getting to know each other as a married couple, spending time becoming accusotomed to each other, and just trying to figure out who you are as part of a married couple.  When that's settled, then you can do things to get the Honeymoon Period going again!  You just have to remember that it takes work.  It will NEVER be new and exciting like it used to be on its own--you're going to have to create excitement.

  6. I would say that it up to the couple.  After you have kids you fall into a routine.  If you see the routine is affecting s*x life, etc... then you fix it.  We finally have two of our 3 boys out of the house, our 17 yr old is hardly ever home, so we are now enjoying our second "honeymoon" period.  Old fires that we smothered are starting to relight and we are very much enjoying our empty nest.  I'm almost 40 and I feel like we just got married again.  It's good for us and I feel like every aspect of our marriage is the same as when we got married 20+ years ago.  Looking back I wish I had spent less time cleaning the house and worrying about trivial things that got in the way of "us" time, but we made it through.  I would suggest newly married couples to not lose sight of the little things and always make time for each other, and even after having kids, mortgages and in laws, I would say the honeymoon never has to end.

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