
Poll: Waffles or Pancakes

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Poll: Waffles or Pancakes




  1. if its belgian waffles from my uncles waffle iron waffles lol!

  2. both very yummy but I would go with pancakes they taste like a pan!!!!

  3. Mmmmm, waffles.

  4. pancakes...the butter spreads easier

  5. i like both.

    butttttt i would have to say pancakes,

    cuz they are funner to make.



    chocolate chip

    with powdered sugar

    and syrup

  7. Oh so yummy! Both! Blueberry waffles or Banana Nut pancakes! Gluten free of course seeing as how I have celiac disease. = )

  8. Pancakes... yum :)

  9. they both taste great but waffles a re easier to cut. while pancakes absorb more syrup. i prefer pancakes

  10. WAFFLES!  With either Bing cherry jam or boysenberry jam.  No butter, no syrup.  And either normal waffles, or cornbread waffles.  I'm a recent convert to the cornbread ones.  YUM.

  11. Pancakes

  12. Waffles are so much better than pancakes. Waffles don't get soggy as fast as pancakes do.

  13. Pancakes! :D

  14. PANCAKES ! =)

  15. Pancakes : - )

  16. Pancakes.

  17. Waffels, with whip cream and cherries

  18. Pancakes, i rarely eat waffles.

  19. I love them both, but is I had to choose, it would definitely be Pancakes, with Ms. Butters-worth poured on top, yum yum, can you say I-HOP here I come...

  20. both....they r both easy to make but pancakes are more buttery but waffles are easier to put in the toaster....i guess id HAVE to pick pancakes

  21. pancakes with honey!

  22. Pancakes. But they kinda both taste the same. Lol. (:

  23. waffles!

    yummy :)

  24. Buckwheat pancakes with molasses.

  25. waffles

  26. Waffles smothered in some strawberry sauce

  27. Choco chip Pancakes

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