
Poll: What's more inconvenient having balls or wearing stilettos?

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I never wore stilettos. But twins are itchy, stick to legs, you can't cross your legs when seating, can get kicked and other stuff.

What's your opinion?




  1. I would say having balls.  You are stuck with your balls no matter what, but I can choose whether or not to wear stilettos if i like.

  2. Oh stop whining...I expect all of my men to wear both!


  3. never had either one of them

  4. hmm thats tricky:P although ive never had balls... never plan to either

    but stilettos you can take off but when youre wearing stilettos youre walking on the balls of your feet


  5. I don't know man. You can always take stilettos off.  

  6. I like having balls, I would never ever ever give em up.

  7. Your question reminds me of something...

    My EX is a truck driver, there's always someone on the CB saying "I'm not wearing any panties" if you wait they come back on and in their real voice say "I'm not wearing them cause my balls fall out!". It's pretty funny!

  8. I think it would be having the balls to wear stilettos when you have a set of balls.

  9. i think having balls makes you dumb

  10. Try wearing correct underwear.  It's a rather silly question because in most cases you have a choice of wearing or not wearing stilettos!  If you don't want to be inconvenient as you put your question.... don't wear them.......! If you don't want the inconvenientes of "balls" as you put it....cut them off!

  11. I love wearing stilettos and not sure about the balls thing..even tho when im sucking on them they arent that tasty.

  12. I don't know, but my husband is always picking his balls up to sit down when he is naked.

    Thank god I don't have to do that with my vag yet.

    And stilettos are not that bad.  I just get the dr. scholls inserts and I seriously can wear them all day.

    PLUS I can take my shoes off, but the only way your balls are coming off is if I CUT THEM OFF!

  13. wearing stilettos for m..

    i don know wat d other fuss is all

  14. both is bad xD

    i would rather wear stillettos cause you cant get kicked by balls, but if you have balls then you can be kicked by stillettos! =]

  15. I would say the stilettos are worse.  I have worn them only a couple times because  they throw you way off balance.  Just for the h**l of it , I wore them  but I Had to use a cane.  I was at a bar with some of my friends, finally I dropped the cane.  I found if I walked very slowly I could do it with out the cane.

    Some inebriated guy yelled out "It's a miracle"

    So if you want practically a full time job of torture every time you step, stilettos will be for you.  If the balls stabbed you in the leg I would go for stilettos.   Remember stilettos are not JUST a high heel, they are a thin high heel.  Stiletto is probably latin for knife killing shoe.

  16. having balls

    seems pretty embarassing having to scratch them, stick to your legs and you cant cross your legs when sitting

    haha :p

  17. Actually I think that you are bragging. Perv....and I mean that in the nicest possible way.


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