
Poll: What's the best thing you could find in your pocket right now?

by  |  earlier

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I'm interested to get the LGBT community's opinion.




  1. well if my girlfriend would let me keep my pants onn,,

    you would hopefully find her hands in my pockets.

  2. My black book also know as my cell phone.

  3. Hmm.  Let's see.   Here I sit in my tracksuit.  Left pocket...nuthin'

    Right pocket..Oops, hole in the pocket...let me see now...Pocket Billiards!!!.........S***e!  My hands are cold.

  4. A pic of my BF.

  5. I don't have pockets right now.

    Generally i don't keep anything in my pockets.

  6. I don't have pockets, I just woke up, I'm in my underwear >.>

  7. currently sporting those morning boy shorts. =)  

  8. I swear, it IS a tree in my pocket!

  9. My butt... sorry I don't have pockets at the moment.

  10. A blanket its fooking freezing.

  11. Man, I don't have any pockets.

  12. a winning lottery ticket?

    and get the h**l out of my house, travel all over the world and be freaking rich!!!

  13. hmmm, it seems to be on the OTHER side of my pocket. . .   :@)

  14. uhh lint, i have nothing in my pockets, but if it could be sumthing id be $500 so i can get a new laptop

  15. CASH BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  16. Lint.

  17. A candy raper,


    some lint,

    And a phone number from when i went to the store.

  18. Pen

  19. my ipod but no headphones which makes it useless at this very moment  

  20. A wad of  $100 bills would be nice.

  21. Some lint fuzzies.


  22. All I have in my pockets at the moment are treats for my dogs.

  23. A big fat rock!!!!!!

  24. Three pieces of Tissue papers.

    They are the best thing which helps during a bad cold.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

  25. my ciggs, cell phone and $10.

  26.   I have found the key to my safe in my pocket.  My credit card is in the safe.  I have no intention of using it - but the thought of what I could be doing with that card is making me feel GREAT!

  27. A winning lottery ticket.

  28. i have no pockets D=

  29. money :)

  30. My Starfleet com-badge!  Beam me the heck up!!

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