
Poll: What's your first thought when you see this?

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Mine is that I would need a bigger speedo.




  1. I'm going to get me som corn phelpls i mean flakes, lol

  2. Hmm although I am a L*****n, great bod and hand me a bowl of corn flakes.

  3. disturbing and am i gonna sleep soundly tonite

  4. whoa

    michael phelps!


  5. small speedo....

  6. d**n i could buy i box of cornflakes right now

  7. Um.... nah.

  8. that makes me want some corn flakes

  9. his speedo looks like its gonna fall off

  10. ewwwww yeah i totally lost my apatite...i wouldnt want to eat that box of kinda gives me the chills cuz that dude needs more clothes

  11. my frist thought was 'man' lol.

  12. mine is that i wish that speedo was open in the front

  13. I'm hungry, verrry hungry.

  14. mmm... michael phelps :)

  15. first thought?  "hot navel"

    second thought?  "thank christ they just showed his body.  his face just ruins it."

    pretty shallow of me, huh?


  16. Mmmm Mmmm Good! I never wanted to l**k a cereal box before.

  17. must... buy... corn flakes...

  18. hot and that i really want cornflakes

  19. I'm not alone in thinking butterface.

  20. yummy cornflakes ;)

  21. Any smaller and he's gonna be down to a handkerchief and rubber bands. The next thought is "Wow, I'd get arrested for appearing in public like that."


  22. s*x sells

  23. um...eww...i hate corn flakes now

  24. my first thought is why does perez hilton get so much attention.  how annoying is he, and not even interesting as a person.

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