
Poll! What are you struggling with the most right now, with your baby?

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With my 10-month old........still trying to get this little bugger to eat more during the day and sleep through the night!!!




  1. my 11 month old brother....biting and he's not taking his formula (switching to whole milk...well trying)

  2. with my 13 month daughter- trying to get her to eat more food- and to drink more milk..

    Plus she is so - demanding!! i swear.. it's probably a stage but....

    and she has a temper..i don't know how to correct it yet, i just say "no! that's bad"...

  3. ditto! i just wish he would sleep more at night!

  4. Getting my son out of our bed. I have tried everything, but I can't get him to sleep longer than 30 minutes in his own bed.

  5. sleep trough the night . baby is 15 months but boy she wakes up at least twice at night , then sleep until 10 am in the morning  

  6. Well, technically my daughter is a toddler at 20 months, but I'm struggling with getting rid of her bedtime bottles. Do it early, lol. We were kinda mean to our daughter, once she was big enough to reach up and turn on her soother at night, we didn't go into her room. We'd call out and let her know we were nearby, but we didn't go in there unless she was really upset, and not just whining for attention, you know the difference. Also, once she's in bed, all lights but her nightlight go out, and stay out until it's time to get up. And once she's in her room for bedtime, she doesn't come out. We didn't even lift her out of her crib for snuggling, we'd reassure her, give her a bottle, and let her find her own way back to sleep. She got so bored with no attention at night that she did sleep through the night.

    Good luck!  

  7. Put him to sleep or put him down before he gets overly tired.  It's a struggle if I miss his sleepy cues, he fights it.

    Teething isn't fun either, I can't wait for that 1st tooth!

  8. Being able to pump enough milk for the twins while i'm at work 60 hours a week and getting those two lil darlins to sleep at night so *I* can sleep at night. This "2 hours per night, then sleeping all day so the nanny has an easy time of it" nonsense has got to cometo a rapid halt! Mommy is fried,boys!! lol oh, AND trying to get both twins to hold a feeding of ANYTHING ( breastmilk, formula, ANYTHING) down for more than 10 minutes wouldbe great. excessive vomiting. NOt fun

  9. Well Emma has been all over the place today.  She is such a monkey.  I can't even turn around before she is in her room dumping things out!  She normally listens well, but today is ignoring the word "no" by attempting to grab her five weeks old cousin whilst in her swing....ugggghhhh!

  10. Honestly, I cannot complain. My daughter has always slept well, ate well, has never been inconsolably unhappy for any length of time.... Right now she is learning to crawl, and I guess the hardest thing is that she has WAY more get-up-and-go than she can get up and go with right now. She gets frustrated because she hasn't learned how to go forwards yet, and before that she would get mad because she couldn't figure out how to roll over the other way. I figure when she's about 4 she's going to turn into a holy terror, because so far she has been pretty easy to get along with! Best of luck!

  11. Lets see....Not wanting to latch on properly, crying every time she's put down..And giving her first big smile (the kind with open mouth) to her dad! Well, I guess he's really good in baby talk.....;)

  12. trying to figure out how my sweet beautiful little 4 1/2 month old angel caught SALMONELLA... I am really sick about it!  Other than that she is a great baby and I can't complain she is amazing.

    Edit: thank you it is so hard to see your baby girl in the e/r and they keep sticking her with needles trying to start an husband was in tears and ready to punch someone.  I told them to stop and I would just nurse her.  I literally nursed her back to health!!

  13. TEETHING.  

    It's killing me.  Sleeeeeeeeeeeep...... I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

    I even took him to the doc yesterday because I thought he had an ear infection but noooooooooo, it's teething.  Dr seems to think he's pushing 3 more teeth thru at the same time.  (Thank goodness it's just teething, but still.... lol)

    Teething triggers this 'thing' in Johnny's brain that makes him think that 2 am is playtime.  

    Sleeeeeeeeeeep.  LOL

  14. teething and sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. The pacifier!!!  My 8.5 month old is completely addicted, argh!  LOL.  This week however I'm slowly "weaning" her off it during the day and letting her have it at naps/bedtime only.  I'll have to decide when to stop that too.  Will have to be soon as she wakes up at night to find her paci (I don't have to go in, but she shouldn't be waking at all just for a paci).

  16. Just this past weekend, getting him to bed in less than 45 minutes.  Admittedly, we had a exciting weekend, lots of visitors(ie admirers) so it was hard for him to wind down.  Plus he is on the verge of crawling.  So, that has been the struggle.  

  17. I would say the same thing with my 9 month old..she really hates to eat baby food...she loves to eat what we are eating but forgets to chew sometime and then she sorta gags...she is learning...but really should rather just nurse...

  18. not to show off...

    but absolutely nothing.

    she is a dream to be with. she still wakes in the night looking for a cuddle, but i dont mind that, i take her into our bed and cuddle her back to sleep, we both enjoy the cuddles.

  19. 11 month old.  I would say sleeping better at night and biting.  I have a bruise on my arm from 2 1/2 weeks ago!  Good thing they are cute!!!  

  20. Mine is 2 months old and trying to get her to turn over from stomach to back, its hard to do tummy time with her she gets so upset so its hard to keep her on her tummy, I feel so bad!

  21. i have the same problem you have and my son is 10 months old also and what do you do please help me ! my email is

  22. Trying to get him to use a sippy cup.

  23. With my 5 month old it has been trying to get him to sleep better.He is teething & hasn't slept well for awhile.He also is trying to crawl(he does he army crawl thing) so I have been trying to make sure that there isn't anything around that he can get hurt on.

  24. My daughter is beginning to reverse cycle on us - she is taking less and less from the bottle during the day while I am at work and waking up more to nurse at night.  She used to sleep a good 8-10 hour stretch but now is up at 12, 2, 4 and then 6.  I would say it was a growth spurt but she is not eating more during the day but less :-(  I love the night nursing sessions but wish it would go back to 1-2 sessions so I can get some more sleep.

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