
Poll: What do you prefer Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot?

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and why?




  1. I love a glass of red wine with my steak and I always like Merlot. It's just a nicer, drier red wine. What's cool about it, I think, is that there's actually a white merlot that's made the same was white zinfandel. Sutter Home makes a pretty good white merlot...try it if you're a merlot fan. :) I hope this helps your poll!

  2. that depends on the brand.

  3. Why argue? Both are famous because both are found in clarets. I'm personally a left-bank type, with the cab the first "ingredient" and merlot the second, but if you're giving away free bottles of Petrus, I won't turn you down!

  4. I tend to prefer a cabernet sauvignon over a merlot, because the merlots seem to taste fruitier to me. (I dislike sweeter, fruity wines) I personally prefer a very dry red wine. Merlot, although not entirely sweet, is sweeter wine with softer tannins.

  5. Merlot.  I hate anything bitter.  I prefer the sweeter reds from South America, preferably Chile!

    I also enjoy a really good Shiraz out of Australia or New Zealand, or a Malbec from Argentina.  They're less sweet, but if they're good they lack bitterness and have a nice flavor.

    My favorite Merlot to bring to a party is Concha e Toro's Frontera, because it's $6-9 for a double bottle and everyone loves it!  Their wine is so mild that I can also drink their cab, however.

  6. merlot just tastes better, not as bitter. have you tried "Little Black Dress"? it is good and reasonably priced

  7. I prefer Merlot-  goes with more food items.  A cab is just too full-bodied for me.  Inexpensive-  Yellowtail, Columbia Crest, Francis Coppola, Hogue, Hardys in the box.  Blackstone is one of my favs-  it's $15-18.

  8. It depends on the winery, as to whether or not I like the Cabernet. Generally, I prefer the Merlot (plain or blended with other berries), as it isn't as harsh tasting.

    To cook with, a Cabernet is just fine. I make a mean "Beef Burgundy" with it. If I can't find a decent Burgundy to use, I substitute a Cabernet. It's also awesome in spaghetti sauce.

  9. Generally Cabs. There are a few meals where Merlot is just better, in my opinion. Also it depends on the vineyard, Napa makes great Cabs but only a few Merlots I've liked so far. Europe is more mixed.

  10. Cabernet has more depth of flavour..  Merlot tends to taste like juice sometimes...

  11. Merlot because it is easier to find a well balanced one.

    Sometimes Cabs just have too many tannins for me.

    Tannins are the part that taste bitter, like comparable to the taste of a tea bag.  

  12. depends on the brand,

    But have found Merlot safer to get an OK one, but find cabs either good or bad not so much middle ground.

  13. Cabernet Sauvignon- prefer the taste

  14. Nope, nope, ain't gonna do it.  Whatzzup with this poll?  Cab or Merlot.  Its like choosing between big brother and kid sister.  Answer could be hate'em both, love'em both, depends on the mood.  Love a great, big Cab - who wouldn't.  94 Gallo Frei Ranch Cab or a 90 Mondavi Reserve, sends chills up my spine.    A friend opened a Ornellia Masseto (Super Tuscan Merlot Blend) at a gathering that I was at, oh my.  There's a richness and balance to well made Merlots that Cabs can't touch.

    So, a pox on your poll (just kidding, love your poll).  hey, but next time, ask which is better Cabernet Sauvignon or Carmenere - grapes that are completely different and stop making us pick between siblings.  Sheesh.

  15. If it's red, they are all goooood.

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