
Poll: What food would you like your lover to feed you?

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Please don't say grapes or strawberries. Be imaginative!




  1. sausage?

  2. Sticky buns! No kidding!  We get all messy and laughing and then shower together.  Makes a fantastic meal. :)

  3. I would my lover to drip honey into my mouth then kiss me.  Honey is awesome.  Then if my lover has a smooth chest drip it their and have me l**k it off.

    EDIT:  Man, someone is against honey.  LOL

  4. Chocolate ice cream. That sounds really good.

  5. Mine makes the best New Mexico style enchilada casserole, smothered with homemade red chili.

    Almost better than s*x....

  6. Chocolate covered cherries - I love'em.

  7. Cheese and wine, at the same time, all through a straw.

  8. hmmm....any time i take food off her fork it's s**y. so like, spaghetti or a piece of steak or something. i think ppl feeding each other with silverware is very s**y.  

  9. LoL

    Mexican Tube Steak

  10. While I'm not averse to anything smothered in a lovely underwear sauce, I'm usually flattered when someone goes to the effort to cook for me.

    Maybe add some sliced chicken to a fried cheese sandwich, dice it into bites and pop it in my mouth.

    Some steaks, corn, a little gravy from the steaks on the rice and swapping bites with a glass of wine sounds really good.

    And the one that sounds best to me is breakfast in bed.


  11. Once a long time ago, I had the flu and was down for the count, fever chills the whole 9 yards. I got up from the couch because he wanted dinner and I fell to the floor. He felt bad for pushing me and so he said he'd go make the meatloaf. I thought, well, he can't s***w that up so I said fine and grabbed the blanket, and took a nap. A little over an hour later he wakes me up and brings me a plate. I went into shock.

    He put raisins, a whole tomato and cottage cheese in the meatloaf. The dog wouldn't even eat it. He didn't see anything wrong with it and was a little insulted when I hurled.

    To answer your question, I wouldn't trust anything he made me other than dry toast.

  12. mmm how about cherries and know so they can pop my cherry!  *naughty laugh* hehee

  13. Is *** a food?

  14. Mushy peas.  (But not too hot)

  15. Tube steak

  16. A taco. No lie, we have so much fun making them and he's the best d**n food maker ever. hahaha I got really excited when he said we can make them this weekend=]

  17. Lasagna.

    If I had someone to cook for me, I wouldn't care what he fed me!  lol

  18. I love when she feeds me those "fun size" snickers.  I bite half, she bites half and the kiss in the middle is hot and chocolatey!

  19. don't know either

  20. i would want to be fed birthday cake with vanilla butter cream icing...yummy!

  21. Right now, maybe a BLT. That sounds yummy.

  22. I would like banana..It's good for health, really!

  23. Sharing a milkshake with 2 straws.

    So cute, romantic and nostalgic.  

  24. KFC boneless box

    Follows by his bone in my box

  25. dont know

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