
Poll : What would you like to get off?

by  |  earlier

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your chest today ?

Please no mucus replies gross !




  1. all the work iv got for this week, you can have it if you want

  2. I'd like to get off work... If only...

  3. The burden of studying, keeping intensely secret secrets! I hate them! I wish he'd never told me his bloody secret!!!

    I won't mention names but i'll write them down to get them out and off.

    [name] is an in the closet g*y.

    I'm in love with a 26 year old (that's my dark secret - i'm 18).

    I'm over school.

    that felt good.

  4. My boob's

    They growing at an incredible rate and cause much pain..

    So i'd like a day with-out them =]

  5. Why is it that when you are singing while driving to work, the driver in the car in front of you thinks that you are saying or mouthing something to them. So they slow down or suddenly break. It has happened to me a few times. For example this morning on my way to work, I was happily singing away and the woman whose face could have easily turned any pint of milk sour, just kept giving me daggers and breaking suddenly. Sorry love I can't help it if you are in a bad fact she just made me sing louder and smile even more

  6. Ok here goes, it is horrible having to see the stuck up women at the school where my son goes, never met people like that in my life, you know the type, think are better than everyone else....... the ones stuck in every committee.........rant over.........

    Happy Birthday Dougal.........have to stop wishing you happy birthday now you have gotten at least 5 x off me already today.......aaahhh go on then, have another one & a hug........Have a DUCKTASTIC day hon....

  7. Morning Sexipig

    I'm in a good mood, no rants today

  8. All my worries, the extra weight, all criminals from the face of earth.

  9. It's my birthday, but I've got loads of work to do today, and every day this week ... grrrr!

  10. I hate the fact that they nuke your email account as well as your answers account - you've no idea which particular item pissed them off.

    Love & kisses

    Anne 2

  11. My chest hairs!

  12. I wish I had gone back to college before I left that jerk I was married to.  Now I am raising 2 boys on a sorry check, as I have no skills (that anyone wants to pay for anyway).  Trying to teach my kids better though, and get them through to college.

    Happy Birthday, Dougal!!!  *toots horn*

  13. i hate toilets with cheap bog roll.

  14. how I've paid £200 for my car fixing and now it's still not running properly

  15. That the idiotic woman that is going around saying I broke up her marriage,stole her man and split her family up should stop looking for some one to blame for her and her husbands inadiquices to make their marriage work is why they are seperated its  their own doing not mine and she should stop playing the victim,she should also act her age which is 53 and not like a 5yr old by shouting at me in the street that I'm ugly have I seen my face in a mirror,which I quickly pointed out to her yes I have and its caused by an illness yours however is naturally ugly...I know what your gonna say but I couldnt help myself she is a total f.u.c.kwit and lives in fantasy land....Ahhhhhh that feels soooooo much better

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