
Poll: When reding a newspaper, are you interested in...?

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1) politics



3)social life

4) business




  1. Just the cartoons.;)

  2. hi Maha, looking for the up normal in all

  3. Only the crosswords

  4. what attracts attention.

    That need a solution in solving the misery of living human kind.

    For the good of mankind .

    In the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  5. crossword puzzles, but that's not one of you answers so l'll go with arts.

  6. local news and sports'll do for me

  7. Like to read the Colomnists and letters pages, just so I can rant and rave about how stupid they are. After that its jokes, horoscopes, cartoons etc

  8. The Crossword mainly, there is so much news on TV etc. but only the paper has the Crossword.

  9. Politics.

  10. None of the above is specifically in my top three.

    World news - followed by national - followed by local.

    Then a spot read through the rest.

  11. The news

  12. mainly the crossword

  13. 1. Poltics - Yes, but preferabily not from tabloids and atleast will show two sides (ie Independent)

    2. Sports - Yes because that way I know who bought who and the scores so I don't feel isolated.

    3. Arts - Yes and no, I like to know about it but most of it is for theatres in London though.

    4. Social life - I guess so, it's silly the problems have in those "Dear Deidre" sections.

    4. Business - Not hugely to be honest.

  14. All of them, but not in the tabloids.

    I must admit though that these days I tend to get most of my news on line when in the UK, but when I am abroad I buy newspapers.

    I will also buy newspapers if I am relaxing away from my own home or taking a journey by train / plane etc.

  15. World and national news

    Education/childrens issues



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