
Poll. Which do you prefer, collar "up" or not?

by  |  earlier

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Which do you prefer when wearing a Polo Shirt - the collar "up" or not?





  1. I try not to look like a "frat boy" so down.

  2. Down. Have a nice day!

  3. is this a bad rerun of Saved By The Bell?

  4. um down?

  5. i dont wear polo shirts.

  6. The collar up is so "80"s. Keep it down.

  7. NOT - Collar up is chav-ish...

  8. I wear the collar down, but boys at my school wear the collar up [[:

  9. on me i like it down but on some guys i like to see it up because its funny.

  10. The collar up was cool in the 80's.

  11. Collar down, up is annoying.  

  12. I wear the collar down


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  13. not, not, not, and not....unless you find yourself suddenly transported back to the 80's....then it should be up and you will need a fluffier hair-do!

  14. I LOVE polo shirts.  Big fan.  Collar down.  Some guys look ok with it up.  (The collar I mean.)

  15. I prefer the collar flat.

  16. i think the collar should be up because down is just like having a big stamp on your head that says ***NERD***.

    But up has a big stamp on your head that says ***COOL***

  17. 'Popped' collars are the last resort of the uncool trying to make themselves look cool. Normally it is the reserve of adolescent males trying to look hard. I suggest three cups of starch to one cup biological detergent and no fabric softener. Then an iron covered in superglue to create the perfect popped collar.

    My what an idiot you look now!

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