
Poll: Who can get it up faster?

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A. a helicopter pilot

B. a space shuttle pilot

C. 310 airbus pilot

D. Hot air balloon pilot




  1. If you're talking about normal circumstances without the weather being an issue, then the shuttle would win, they achieve an incredible amount of speed.

  2. It depends are they all looking at the same women?

    are any of them g*y?

    (3 straight guys looking at one woman is probably a tie, 1 g*y guy looking at 3 pilots may beat the other 3)

    are any of them on viagra?

    these are all things we need to know before we can give a difinitive answer....

    assuming they are all men....

  3. An airbus pilot for sure.  A hot air balloon pilot is usually just ehhh.  Space shuttle pilot they fly a how many billion dollar machine that has one of the worst safety records ever.  A helicopter pilot haha those guys are just not right.

  4. A. a helicopter pilot


    A helicopter pilot gets it up, goes straight up and keeps going up until he can no higher but then - ho ho! -  he can hover there for ages.

    Whereas shuttle pilots take days to get ready, need a special suit, hundreds of technicians to help and often calls the whole thing off just at the crucial moment - especially after a night on the tiles. A 310 pilots can get it up regularly but they need a long run at it and once they're up they don't do much until it's time to come down again. Hot air balloon pilots can only get it up in the mornings or evenings when the air is still and they need some really hot stuff to get them going, but, on the plus side, the condom is absolutely HUGE!

  5. if altitude is not an issue....and considering startup and preparation, i would go with d

  6. Hooray for sexual innuendo!

  7. Up where?

    A. Can be off the ground in a couple minutes

    B. Takes months to get off the ground

    C. has to taxi to the R/W so that takes several minutes

    D. Takes several minutes to get ready.

    So "A" would be the best answer

  8. I'd have to say a helicopter pilot out of a process of elimination.

    A space shuttle pilot can get it up quite fast, but the conditions have to be exactly right.  It can be delayed for weeks until it is ready...

    An Airbus pilot has to complete pages of checklists before being ready to get it up... And it's quite likely that there will be a delay while maintenance adjusts the internal computers before it's able to get up.

    A hot air balloon pilot... Well, have you seen how much it takes before it's ready to get up?  And if it's too windy, forget about it!

    The helicopter pilot still has to complete the checks, but it's pretty minimal compared to the rest of them.  Helicopter pilots usually fly for the military, news crews, or law enforcement... so they're used to having to get it up fast with very little notice.

  9. b

  10. Sapce shuttle pilot

  11. as for the takeoff readiness, aka from standby to airborne, helicopter pilots of course.

    if the issue is plainly climb rate, then it is the space shuttle.

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