
Poll: Who do you think is more hardcore; AF PJ/CCT or Army Rangers?

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  1. Rangers their buddy!!! And we don't just go in and shoot up the place our main job is airstrip seizures. But PJ's are bad *** to bro. I would tell you this....hardcore is what you make it.....go through it and tell me what you think...everyone has different thresh holds of hardcore.

  2. Well, they both fall under SOCOM, but they have very different jobs. Rangers are the most elite infantry unit and are basically meant just to kill. The PJ and CCT's either go in to rescue someone or go in before the main force to designate landing and bombing sites and kill anyone in the way. They are both badass, then again so are all forms of special forces in their own way.

  3. PJs CCT are badass on their own level, as some on mentioned two different missions. Rangers do Direct Action, Af Special tacs are higher priority than Rangers. AF has the hardest and longest training pipeline over two years. Just so ya know CCTs call in airstrikes they don't see combat Rangers do.

  4. Neither, USMC Recon or the Navy Seals... both scary as h*ll!

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