
Poll: Who does volunteer work? What type and why did you pick this one as well as why do you do it, please?

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I do volunteer work as much as I can. I donate platelets from my blood to help people get another chemotherapy treatment. Have been doing that almost 20 years through the American Red Cross branch organization named: LifeSource.

I am also on the US National Bone Marrow donation list and have been called in twice so far for further testing to see if I was a match. Yes I heard it was very painful plus you are off work for a week, but I would not hesitate to save some ones life.

I have also donated time to the Anti-Cruelty society in Chicago for dogs and cats. Plus the March of Dimes in a 'Bid For Bachelors' function, it was an auction and I fetched $370.00 for a dinner date with the wining bidder. LOL It was fun.

I also give freely of my time when my church or friends from the church get involved with community projects to help the poor. We helped at homeless shelters, plus after school care centers for the poor, etc.




  1. Wonder is a volunteer at the animal shelters.... and also for organizations for children in need.


    * hugs *

    <----- spent in a week in New Orleans, volunteering for the HSUS after Hurricane Katrina :)

  2. I volunteer for AIDS organizations, the Red Cross, and several arts organizations.

    I donate money to those organizations, as well as several social service agencies and the ASPCA.

    And in the past, I've lived at a few places that had elderly neighbors, and I would help them with various chores.

  3. not recently cause im basically broke and the kids keep me busy. but i used to donate blood every month, dontate $$ to charitys, i did some work with disabled kids, and i was in all the community clubs when i went to school.

  4. I helped out a couple of weeks at a new formed Hospice House..they were needing help with mailing and  addressing envelopes...

  5. I'm petite so giving blood is not a option, they wouldn't touch me because my veins are too little. I have adopted two Jack Russell Terriers (Terrors) and I donate time down at the local food pantry.

  6. I donate to the ASPCA and am a volunteer at a local shelter. I rescue dogs and cats from harmful situations. I like doing fund-raisers. It's always alot of fun and I get to meet people who think like I do. I also donate blood once a month.

  7. I have a restaurant and feed several people who would otherwise not eat. They have addiction problems, but I just can't judge them for that, even though I've been highly criticized for it.

  8. Since I get paid on commission only and there are no orders coming in,  I am classifying my job as volunteer work.  I voluntarily, using my own gas, market my company.  Other times I have volunteered for wildlife rescue and I was the official photographer for a kind lady who rescued adoptable doggies from the kill shelters and adopted them out.  I tried to give blood once.  I don't have the stomach for it apparently, but I DID try!  I have walked in a parade to bring awareness for homeless pets in an effort to get the city to give land for a shelter.  It worked!!!!   I have also been instrumental in finding homes for several abandoned or homeless pets.  I give to the Breast Cancer societies and always buy c**p from neighborhood kids selling stuff from a catalogue.  Mostly wrapping paper.

  9. I'm on the bone marrow donor list in the UK, although I've never been called for further tests. I used to volunteer with the homeless charity Crisis, teaching basic skills. I did this because it was fun and I was trained in basic skills teaching. I did this while I was university but I don't do it now because my job takes me away from home too much and I wouldn't be able to do it regularly.

  10. Whenever I have volunteered, it's been for animal causes.  I've  worked for the Gabriel Foundation, which is a parrot rescue in Colorado, and the ALS Association, which is a nonprofit for Lou Gehrig's Disease.  Although I was an employee of both, the pay and hours aren't that great, but I always feel better knowing that I'm doing something that makes a difference.  That's why, now, I'm on my way to becoming a school teacher.

    I also take in African grey parrots that need to find a new home.  Usually, by the time someone relinquishes a parrot, the bird is in desperate need of socialization, medical care, diet change (which for parrots takes a long time) and a lot of love.  I just took one this week, and expect to have her for around one year before she'd be ready for a new home.   One that I took in I ended up keeping because she has so many problems.  Most likely, she had been abused because she has many old fractures and a permanently dislocated hip.  The woman who owned her was a drunk, and while trimming her nails, cut off half of her toe.  But she is the sweetest parrot I have ever encountered, and is now a very happy little old lady bird.

    I also have a paralyzed Chihuahua, and one that's a structural nightmare--he's already had surgery on both knees, but is still having problems.

    With all this, I've been pretty busy, and haven't volunteered in a few years.  It's also why my mother thinks I can't find a husband!!

    EDIT:  Oh yeah... I forgot... I've been working, on and off, on starting up a nonprofit that's an advocacy group for captive and wild parrots around the world.  My avatar is the parrot I want to use as part of the logo.  It's a bird that was the only native parrot species of the US, and it's extinct.  We hunted it to extinction for the pet trade, and as an agricultural pest.

    EDIT: I forgot all about Noodle.  My roommate is a vet tech, and she brought home a Maltese that someone dumped on her hospital.  She's all ridden with cancer, and she came here for hospice, as they gave her only a couple of weeks.  After some surgeries, and chemo, she's still alive and feeling VERY well... it's been several months.

    No wonder why I'm so busy.

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