
Poll: Whose happy the kids are back in school?

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I love being able to go out in the middle of the afternoon and not be flooded by teenagers and screaming kids. Whose else is with me?




  1. can I just say...


  2. I think we have plenty left on who should be in school; must be cutting


  3. Me though i don't have any at school - get in the shops now.

  4. yes, I am...... they get easily bored at home & we definetly need a break from each other..

  5. I'm with you!  Kids are cool and all but when the rove in packs during the summer time it is a bit much!  Especially if they are discussing the Jonas brothers

  6. i will be tomorrow

  7. mine dont go back till monday, yay cant wait

  8. I was, until I went to morrisons today and the little s***s were still everywhere getting under the wheels of my pushchair. Some of them aint back til friday so their noise will irritate me until then...

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