
Poll Why has there never been an American Pope?

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Poll Why has there never been an American Pope?




  1. That's a very interesting question.  I have no idea, but I'm sure that given time there will be...  there was a British pope some time ago, but I can't even remember an American as a candidate...

  2. Hard as this may be for many Americans to swallow, the Catholic Church does not particularly care about the opinions of Americans.  Catholics are a definite minority in America and thus, politically, are not that important in the Church hierarchy.  Church strongholds, in terms of believers, are South and Middle America, parts of Europe, parts of Africa and parts of Asia.  Politically, the strength remains in Europe, especially Italy.

  3. Gober just gave you the answer but there  prob won't be an American Pope for a long time the next pope will prob come from Africa  

  4. All but the last two popes have been Italian, with the two non-Itallian popes being John Paul II from Poland and  Benedict XVI from Germany, I expect the College of Cardinals, whom elect the pope, do not favor some of the liberal ideas that have come from the Catholic Church in the USA.

  5. very interesting: gets one thinking!

  6. There probably will be in the future, not anytime soon though.

    Not many American Catholics in the College of Cardinals.

    It is a long process.

  7. It's only recently that the papacy hasn't been reserved for the Italians any more. If the trend continues then some day there will probably be an American pope. Although there are more Catholics in Africa and South America, so they would seem to be better bets.

    From wikipedia:

    For centuries, the papacy was an institution dominated by Italians. Prior to the election of the Polish cardinal Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II in 1978, the last non-Italian was Pope Adrian VI of the Netherlands, elected in 1522. John Paul II was followed by the German-born Benedict XVI, leading some to believe the Italian domination of the papacy to be over.

  8. Maybe just because Political Correctness has not washed ashore in Italy. Actually until the former Pope,(Deceased & Polish) they were generally and correct me if I'm wrong. (Italians)  

  9. Okay smart guy, how come there's never been an Israeli Pope ?  

  10. cuz we vote for a president

  11. interesting question. Maybe it's because Catholics are in the minority in the US, so there's just not enough Catholic clergy to choose from?  

  12. this one i have to say is because they have more conservative ideas. just a guess

  13. Jewish lobby will not allow it!

  14. Good Question Bob, but l Do Not Know the Answer.Lol

    Suprising really, they usually have at Least 10 of Everything.LolLMHO.

    Woo Hoo. (((Hugs for You My  Awesome Friend)

  15. Probably just another Vatican conspiracy to deprive you poor Americans, but think of it this way They don't have their own Bob Dylan, do they?

  16. I believe they must be from Rome where the Vatican is...I'm not sure ..maybe it's limited to Italian and polish popes.

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