
Poll : Will someone please tell me this ....?

by  |  earlier

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I have missed 5 periods and have a huge belly but i am sure its wind ..

"parp".... oopsie my bad




  1. Aww bless you honey! I'm sure it's just wind :) xx

  2. MUM, please tell me you're lying!!

  3. i really wouldn't know..............................

  4. did you have s*x?

  5. Holy pigs trotters there could be froglets on the way!!

  6. No I think its a phantom pregnancy.

  7. Don't worry about missed periods darlin,I've missed a few myself lately.Treat yerself to a vindaloo tonight,that will cure the wind problem,and probably help blow out anything else unwanted from your gut...  

  8. No just fat...You are such a pig!!

  9. you sound pregnant to me sweet heart who is the father kermit the frog  

  10. It wasn't me .

  11. *blink blink* ... huh?

    alright 2 pts!!!!

  12. Yes honey, you are.  

  13. LMAO, you nutter.

    Although, pregnancy does give you wind.  

  14. do pigs have periods ?

  15. You are pregnant with farts my love, where ever you may be let your butt music go free.

  16. Hope i'm the dad....x*x

  17. *gasp*

    go see a doctor!


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