
[Poll] Wolverine or Batman?

by Guest32712  |  earlier

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I reading from the Wizard Magazine that Wolverine was #1 best comic book character, and Batman was #2 if I'm correct, so who do you think is cooler, better, etc?

Don't base this on powers or anything like that

I can't really decide, they are both great lol




  1. Oh chu dude hands down it has to be wolverine i mean come on that guys practically immortal and he could be older then prof. x even close to apocalypse (highly doubt that though) but he is pretty old possibly

  2. I think wolverine is cooler, but that may be the fact that I've liked X-men for longer than Batman. Hes just so kickass with him indifferent-awesomeness and his cigars XDD plus he doesn't wear strange suits and such and(although you told us not to base it on powers >__>) his powers are cooler too.

    ~The Otaku Twins~

  3. Batman! I've always thought Wolverine was over rated.  

  4. I like the whole Batman "World" better because of the villains and how it's set up,  but when it comes to Batman himself and wolverine, I'd have to go with W.

    He's really awesome!!

    (though so is Mr. Dark Knight)

  5. i think wolverine is cooler.

    i am L and justice will prevail

  6. wolverine

  7. Batman given the choices but I would go with Marshal Law who retires 'heroes' from active service .


  8. They are both Cool.But I think Batman is a little bit Cooler

    I like Both of them they are great

  9. Wolverine, but I love Batman too. Batman onnly beats the villians because of all his gadjets and stuff he owns. Ya he can fight, but come one! Wolverine has indestrucable claws, is completely made of metal and can live through almost anything with his healing abilities!

  10. I like Batman he's awsome infact i think the whole DC universe is awsome!!! Wolverine on the other hand is cool but I'm not so keen on the Marvel universe. So Batman wins for me.

  11. Both are awesome I can't choose between them. Like I said before they are the awesomest ^_^

    Batman and Wolverine will be so cool as a team wouldn't they?

  12. I have to say~ Wolverine is the cooler character, hands down~ I mean, who doesn't wanna have his claws? Batman is cool too though~

    I can't wait to see the Wolverine movie~!

  13. hmmm, well im guessing that the magazine was going based on powers. if so then it would make sense to put wolverine in the #1 spot, cause he has regenerative powers. not to mention that he has that adimantium skeleton of his. and his claws. his claws are awesome.

    im going with wolverine only because he could survive much better than batman can. i know you said not to base it on powers but his powers are what makes wolverine so cool.  

  14. Wolverine

    At least he knows how to dress

    Rather than wearing his underwear at the outside.. >_>

  15. Its really hard to choose because I grew up with these two heros back in my childhood days. So, I think Batman is way cooler. I love him! He's great!

  16. Dude!


    especially in the X-men movies, when he's played by HUGH JACKMAN!

    SO HOTT!


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