
Poll: Youths - What happened?

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So if you dont know, an elderly woman yesterday or today asked some Youths to stop smoking at a train-station. In response the youths chucked her onto the 750W Live Rail-way Tracks- she is suffering from sever injuries- not dead at the least!

My question in response-

Im only 15, but seriously I would never do that, Youths werent always like this in the 1900's, or where they? Has someone influenced them into this pathetic behaviour?




  1. The problem, in my opinion, is lack of morality and discipline which should be taught to children by their parents.  Years ago, children had more secure upbringings, usually with a mother at home most of the time (i.e. they always had someone around most of the time.)  Now, I'm not having a go at parents who go out to work, but I do think that sometimes parents need to make a choice between working and having money to spend as they wish, or sacrificing this and perhaps working less hours in order to bring their children up properly and not expect nursery nurses/childminders/teachers to teach their children how to behave responsibly.

    Youths/children these days don't seem to be afraid of anything, teachers and the police have no powers to discipline them, and parents seem to expect other people to do it for them.

    Like you, I never would have done this at 15, but I think that's because we've got morals and have had some discipline in our lives from loving parents or guardians.  There, I've had my rant!!


  2. Most "youths" would never do anything like that, but you always get the odd idiots who do something totally horrendous.

    I think the problem is getting worse, but the more we villianise youths the more aggressive they get, so I honestly don't know what the solution will be - harsher punishments to deter them , maybe?

    BTW I'm only 16.

  3. from what ive read about this, these 'youths' were 20 something year old MEN. It has nothing to do with these times,  it has nothing to do with youth culture these men are SICK... im a youth worker, all day i get people saying ..... kids today... im sick of people blaming children for things, yes kids are different but thats because there brought up to be tough, to be able to live in these rough times, its a vicious circle thats never going to break until a whole new attitude is around. These men that did this are very wrong and very sick, im in my 20's this was NOT how MY generation were brought up!

  4. Because they think they are better than everyone around else around them...That lady shouldn't have said anything to them cause if they want mouth,lung,or throat cancer...Best of luck to them.

  5. idk but thats realy mean i am 13 and would never do that! mabye they were trying to act tough?

  6. Some people are just born rotten. You hear a story like this every few years, and every time people think it's just a "sign of the times", the youth getting worse, etc.

    People aren't getting better or worse, things like this always have and always will happen. Hopefully we build a culture where they are encouraged not to do these things, and are punished severely if they do in order to discourage others.

  7. No respect...period...I think they should round them all up and whip  the  p**s  out of them...its amazing what a good whipping will do for your attitude. now I am not suggesting baby abuse...but big ole youngins doing stuff like that....yes!  if they need someone to do it....I WILL...:0) poor woman....spare the rod and you will spoil the child..or in this case..big ole mean youngins...sad

  8. i think its the gang mentality that does it . I bet if any one of em were alone they would never have done tht.

  9. True that some people are just born stobborn and ignorant.  But a lot of it has to do with the influence of parents as well.  You have to raise children with a standard of morrals and values.  You can be rich, you can be doesn't matter because it's what is installed in a person.

    I for one think that lack of DISCIPLINE has a lot to do with it.  It's a shame that you can't slap the c**p out of your children these days when they misbehave!

  10. The boys where I grew up were mischievous at best - nothing like the youths today. It is gang mentality and are trying to impress their friends. That teamed with alcohol is not a good combination. Somehow it needs to get through that it is not cool. Also in my day we were smacked - there is one problem - the smacking ban! How, I have no idea!

  11. Yeah i heard this story as well, and i was disgusted with it, I'm 16 and would never even dream of doing this to anyone, not even if i really hated them. The people that have influenced these youths into this behaviour is their parents, and they are the ones to blame. But i don't agree with Robbie M because he is just categorising all teenagers/youths into one. I'm not one of these people that go out my way to cause trouble, and I'm sure theres many others that don't. So how can you say that youths are scum and chavs, when you don't really know or have any evidence that all youths are like this

  12. I would agree with the dirty chavs comment

  13. It is the lack of dicipline by the parents. It is the "do it all for the children" attitude conveyed by the media. When I was growing up, you learned respect for your elders. We would get paddled with a board in school if we misbehaved - all sanctioned by the parents. Priviledges were earned not merely bestowed to anyone.

  14. In today's society, youths think they can do whatever they want without receiving any consequences. It's all about discipline in my opinion. Parents today are more easy on kids than they were back in the old days. Youths today need to be disciplined and taught about common sense and  respect.

  15. i dunno but i know what class those 'youths' would have been, scumbags...sorry i meant to say dirty chavs.

  16. im 15 aswell and would never do anything like it some people are just thugs

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