
Poll about short pants please read details.... ?

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1. Do you wear short pants very often? e.g. gym shorts, cargo shorts, dress shorts, jean shorts.

2. What is the longest you have gone without putting on a pair of long pants?




  1. i wear shorts a bunch, like capris and regular shorts

    i wear dresses a lot in the summer, so at least a month

  2. yes i do jean shorts and american apparel ones

    and about 2 weeks of just shorts and swimsuits

  3. I wear short pants most days sprinkled with a few skirts, this whole summer counting from may to now I may have worn pants 6 times and that includes a week were I was at the environmental kinda week long camp thing where we went camping and in the forest alot throughout the week and had to wear pants

  4. I go all summer without wearing pants.  It is too hot.

  5. 1. Only at home. Right now I'm wearing knee-length shorts, but only because I'm just with my family. So, not very often. (I was ranting about girls with ugly legs today, God, what idiots they are.)

    2. A day??

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