
Poll are you a slave if you live in australia i do think so?

by  |  earlier

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as when you by property. you dont own it the state dose .. in the brigalow corp.. to find out more e mail me thank s ..




  1. No you are not a slave. You are not being degraded or forced to do degrading work in service to someone else.

    You are calling it slavery because you have to get a permit to do something in your back yard? You have to get permits here in the US to make changes to your home and's not about slavery - it's about respecting and following the rules that are set to protect your neighbors interests as well as your own.

    There is no law that says you have to live there. There are choices that you can make to change your situation. Slaves had no choices.

  2. Yes we are now-the Stockmarket and Banks own everything here  except maybe your soul depending on who you are

    Private ownership is disappearing-usually a sign of Communist rule not Capitalist system

    Truthfully if you are middle class down the answer has to be yes unless you are truly ignorant,or have your head firmly buried in the sand.

  3. Ok I well hun.


  4. Have you been to school? Or have you been brought up by Tv and magazines?

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