
Poll: bees or butterflies?

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Poll: bees or butterflies?




  1. the bumbley bee! theyre great!

  2. Bees.  Honeybees are in decline and so many of our agricultural crops depend on them for pollination.  Put plants in your garden that welcome them.

  3. bees all the way!!!!

  4. butterflies

  5. has to be  bees,

  6. I prefer a bee myself

  7. bees for sure

    stupid cabbage worms messed up my cabbage :(

  8. Bees. Very worried about lack of them. 300 species of british bee have disappeared. do not know if the same situation exists with regard to butterflies.  

  9. Bees; but if we had no butterflies, plants which depend on them (like primroses) for cross-pollination would lose out.

  10. BEES........ great for the garden

    Butterflies are nice to look at and ok for the garden, but then they produce caterpillers..... not so great

  11. Bees!

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