
Poll: best robert de niro film?

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my vote goes to taxi driver (1976)




  1. A bronx tale

  2. Meet the Parents.

  3. Taxi Driver, very dark, like life in New York in general.

    Also, lRonin.

    I think De Niro looks pretty good in non-winner roles.

  4. Analyze This.

  5. I agree Taxi Driver

  6. raging bull

  7. Good pick. I liked Once Upon a Time in America.

  8. His acting in every film was flat out superb.  This guy is a true American treasure.

    I liked some movies more than others, but it didn't necessarily have to do with DeNiro himself.  For example, the italian mafia doesn't interest me so I don't like the mafia films, although DeNiro's performance was excellent.

    I guess I would have to say Heat with Pacino.  This whole movie was good all the way around.

  9. the godfather

  10. Taxi Driver or Raging Bull.  He was brilliant in both of them, however I prefer Taxi Driver.

  11. I would have to go with Taxi Driver and Raging Bull as far as personal performance by him goes, but The Deer Hunter is my favorite movie that he starred in. That movie was just so ****** up! Heart wrenching.

    He did a great job in Cape Fear too.  

  12. King of Comedy

    Just watched it again recently and it rekindled my love for it. So f’in funny

  13. He has sooo much great movies..but i would go with Taxi Driver and The  


  14. Heat IMO

  15. theres been so many, he's my fave actor,

    and the winner is, GODFATHER part 2, brilliant performance.

  16. Godfather and Casino

  17. A bronx talee =]

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