
Poll - can u hate somebody ?

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i tried but cant.




  1. Hate is a very self destructive emotion. Stay away from it.

    Others may hate. But those who hate you don't win, unless you hate them. Then, you destroy yourself. - Richard Nixon

  2. No you don't hate people, you just hate some of their ways.....Some people's ways make you not like being around them or you just dislike how they are.

  3. Everyone is different. And hate takes so much energy.

    Loathe on the other hand... I'm good at loathing people... And I don't even put that much energy into it. Splendid.

    If its a person you quote 'should' hate, then simply distance yourself from them. Don't hate them, but don't allow them in your life in anyway shape or form. if at all possible.

  4. Yes, I hate my cousin. I have good reason to.

  5. Love and hate are very similar emotions, to love and hate someone - to shows you 'care' about that person.

    I don't hate anyone, it takes too much effort.

    I dislike quite a few people though!

  6. I'd rather concentrate on the ones I love.

  7. Sure.  Everyone here seems to be taking the high road and thats nice.  But yeah I have no problem hating someone if they deserve it and it takes no energy at all as far as im concerned.  

  8. I can.

    When I was younger I use to find it easier than I do know. As I have got older I tend to make more excuses for peoples behaviour, and my hate doesn't last for long.


  10. yes..i hate the man i married who is now 6 feet underground

    yes..thats true


  11. yes

    i 'm hatin' somebody right now that i prey that some curse'd fall on her head !

    i hate her

    i hate her

    i hate her

    'n she knows it!

  12. with enough reason, its easy!

  13. I used to think I could, but hate is a pretty strong emotion.  I think if it's something petty that causes you not to like that person, then "strong dislike" or maybe even "despise" is about as far as I could go.  However, as a parent, I could totally hate someone who say, molested one of my kids or something like that.

  14. yes, but sometimes we need to forgive and forget.

    BUT hate is a strong word and for me it's a sin. A really really strong sin!

  15. Hate is a very strong word. No, I don't hate anyone, there are people who I dislike a great deal but still God created them and so I cannot "hate them". I am not a religious freak but these are my views.

  16. Hate is a strong word, I do dislike a few people.

  17. In my entire lifetime I can honestly say without hesitation that there is one person that I truly hate. Yes  I know it's stronger than dislike intensely; I don't dwell on it- it would be a waste of time. I have been hurt so badly to the point of I wouldn't care if they died tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me in the least. I am a very loving and warm caring person who would do anything for anyone-truly! Have you ever been hurt so many times and no matter how hard you try to make amends, give of yourself you only get hurt each and every time. The pain of it all is horrific. I've actually gone into some therapy for resolution yet I just can't go beyond the pain. Who is this person? It's actually my only sibling. If she needed a kidney, my response would probably be "good luck." Sorry to vent...but you asked.

  18. no, i can' t hate...dislike maybe.

  19. actually the thing is u can dislike a person. u just cannot hate a person hating require a lot of strength man which we people just do not have.  sometimes it so happens that u dislike a person like anything and whenever people tell gud things about the person we tell that please Buddy i hate him/her but just think is your conscience also tells it?(i think the answer is no) so u just cannot hate a person u can always dislike a person.AS SWAMI VIVEKANANDA SAYS DO NOT EVER HATE A PERSON TRY AND RECTIFY HIS OR HER WRONGS AND ALSO TRY TO RECTIFY YOURS CAUSE THE PERSON  WHOM U HATE MAY LOVE U

                                        KEEP SMILING AND DO NOT HATE A PERSON:)) K

  20. Somebody like who ?

    U mean like somebody who is realli kind to u n stuff but u want to hate dat person but cant .. or does dat person realli hates u n u want to hate him too ?

    More details pls

    BTW , ans mine pls;...

  21. Yes I can

  22. no but u can dislike someone

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