
Poll: did you have braces..and do you think i did?

by Guest56219  |  earlier

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i didnt. but everyone, including the dentist thinks i did! lol.

did you? and for how long?




  1. I didn't.  And I don't need them.  My teeth are fine.

  2. yeah, ur teeth are perfect nd ur a beautiful girl, nice job brushing ;D

  3. WOW those are beautiful and your very pretty yourself, your very lucky.

    my sister is the same, the dentist thought she had braces but never did.

    me on the other hand , i have a huge gap in my two front teeth and parents cant pay for the braces right now, so i have to live with it.

    so be thankful!!!

    will you answer mine please?;...

  4. I did. For the first stage i had them for about a year and a half just on my top teeth. Then i got them on again (cause more of my teeth had grown in) Top and bottom. I still have them on they been on for about 2 years . but i think im getting them off in septemberYea!!

    Wow your teeth look really good.AND you didn't have braces wow!!


  5. Wow.  You sure do post this pic a lot.  Could you at least turn it around so that I won't hurt my neck.

    And, yes I wore braces.


  6. I've had braces and you look like you have just cuz your teeth are perfect.

    P.S. - Your pretty

  7. Your goooorgeous girly

    Well yes it looked like you had braces. And i have braces on right now.

    I have em on for 2 yrs

  8. i did for about a year and a half and one of my friends has teeth that are straighter then yours and she never had braces

  9. yer you do look like you had braces.  

  10. i have them right now.  like another year and a half.  u do look like u had braces!  i have to have them a total of 2 years

  11. same with me everyone asks me if i had braces but i never have and all my teeth are perfectly straight! its pretty cool

  12. wow. it really does look like you have had braces.

    i had braces for about 2 years.  I didnt mind them tho lol. i kind of liked them and ever since i was little i wanted them.

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