
Poll: do you think the more points you get on yahoo answers...?

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the more your answers and questions get reported

now i'm nearly level 5 loads of my questions get reported to Y!A and deleted but when i was level 2 or 3 hardly any of them were reported even though i answered the same way now at least 2 of my answers are reported daily sometimes it's 5 or 6 each day

Either people are jealous of people with high points or else i really annoyed someone and now they go and report my answers

what do you think am i being paranoid about this?

and mini poll: what are you listening to right now

and i'm placing this here cause i like you guys more and i'm always on this here and i am g*y =]




  1. Hahaha. I'm not sure.

    I don't really notice many of my questions/answers being reported, but.

    It's not to say that people are doing that to you because they're jealous.

    I'm listening to Uh Huh Her.

  2. I know what you mean! I am listing to the T.V  I am watching the game

  3. I've experienced that too. Especially now that I am a top contributor! It sucks! You aren't paranoid in any way, I'd say. It is simply the truth of the matter. Report trolls are sad beings, indeed! Also, Yahoo never gives a d**n about it when you file a complaint. I have had perfectly good questions and answers deleted, and they were NOT restored.

    Btw, do you want a ridiculously high amount of violations?

    Try being an atheist top contributor in the Religion & Spirituality forum...

    (I guess I am asking for it, huh? XD)

    Mini poll: Right now I am listening to Crossroads by Mind.In.A.Box. I freaking LOVE Mind.In.A.Box. ;)

  4. when you start getting reported, alot of thumbs down for no reason, hate mail, and cloned, it means you are the S**t. and yes people do get jealous. keep you're head up cause there are people waiting to see you fall.

    and I'm listening to bottle it up amd gravity by sara barielles. they are on repeat.:)

  5. I did notice that. As soon as i got to level 3 my answers started being unfairly reported. I would say something like "haha, your question is funny" and then get reported! It's ridiculous.

  6. lol i think ur paranoid =P. and right now I'm not listening to anything. I'm watching "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" !!

  7. i think so!!

    one of my answers said

    "i know!!!!! im insulted am i not good enough to be copied! but q****s inc is still here. and tara j is somewhere"

    and it got reported.

    and one of my questions asked how to pronounce naruto's name and that got reported!!!!

  8. Lol, I think you might be paranoid.  A couple of my answers were deleted recently, too.  It was deleted from the R&S section.  Which figures, really.

    And I'm listening to: 'High' by Lighthouse Family


  9. You probably really annoyed someone though I am still a low level so I can't say for sure.

    Listening to RBD.

  10. I don't experience this. If people are reporting you now more and you are still answering the same way you always have - I'd say it was jealousy and some people can be immature.

    I am listening to Morrissey.

  11. They are tightening up an TOS and guidlines, it's not just you.

    I'm listening to my kid running about antagonising the cat.

  12. You might be right, although (this may be tempting fate) I have never been reported or got my questions deleted!  Some people, especially in the LGBT community, have told me about how they are stalked and harassed by certain people, but I tend to find the silent but deadly approach works.  That is I don't answer loads or ask loads, of questions, but enough to gradually rack my points up.  So, I don't really get noticed although I have probably been here longer than alot of people!

    Oh and I'm listening to KT Tunstall mixed in with a bit of Texas!

  13. I'm level 5 and very few of my answers got reported (2 or 3)

    You might be paranoid, either that or post lots of obnoxious answers

    I am listening to WBCN-Boston

  14. I'm new to this place,so i have no idea of why and don't know the use of points....

  15. I think it can play a part. I don't know how many people who are on here remember Da Ben Dan, but he had 67,000 points. At about this time last year, his account was terminated without any warning and all appeals were ignored and denied. I've heard several statements that as soon as someone on here gets a Top Contributor badge their account is attacked. I've never had a TC badge in the nearly 2 years that I've been here, so I can't confirm that, but it seems very valid.

  16. i'm listening to jack dee (:

    "jiff changed his name to ciff!"


    love him.


  17. yeah, and it seems the older the account, the less yahoo cares about ya.

    and right now it's on Linkin Park, Faint

  18. i dont know about that.

    and i`m listening to I'm yours by Jason Mraz.

    makes me happy (:

  19. Trolls target Top Contributors, Top Answerers, and users at a certain level in an attempt to get their accounts suspended.

    You are not being paranoid, and should assume that anything you type will be reported. It is best to check each question or answer to make sure that it can survive being reported by trolls.

    Violation notices should always be appealed.

  20. Well its all about weather someone agrees or disagrees isn't it? the problem is some users are not willing to let others have an opinion. So they play the big "I'm offended" drivel. Well my responce to that is, if your offended then that's your problem. Don't worry about it, really. If you have expressed your views and questions as how you feel them in your heart then all you have done is expressed your constitutional right. As for what I'm listening to now, nothing, well my own thoughts i guess lol.

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