
Poll for YAM: who is the best The Joker and why?

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a) Cesar Romero (60s Batman TV series)

b) Jack Nicholson

c) Heath Ledger

d) It's Show Time! (YAM Joker wannabe who are yet to receive any offer from Hollywood)

Why? 10 points to the one who give the best reason.




  1. Its Show Time!! Because he's so obsessed with getting rid of Batman from Gotham City.

  2. Jim Carey from the mask ...really funny

  3. Joker in a Playing  cards...Its Show Time !!!

    Unrestricted jokers can be very powerful; they guarantee a pair, promote an existing pair to three of a kind, and promote two-pair to a full house. In some forms, the joker may be used to promote a four-of-a-kind hand into a five-of-a-kind. Five-of-a-kind are considered the highest among all hands, even royal flushes.

  4. It's Show Time!! because it's show time!!!

  5. show time over....

    to be continue..................

  6. its show time, he look really s***w up

  7. It's Showtime!!'s showtime you know? chan gimme 5....

    btw..i also hope Jedi sweetheart will unblock me..a 'dominant woman' best la hantar clone jawab soalan you...hehe..

  8. mesti la HEATH LEDGER..

    no doubt. like gindy and GH gedik said, sape lah joker tanpa heath..oh yeah~

    reason: oh..his cry for help (few days before his death..during the interview) is not heard by civillians..esp his wife..the joker character,helps him..if not all,but at least to express the dissapointment..

    haih..sgt pity him..

  9. GINDURAS..........uh?  ...not in list? sorry!

  10. heath ledger..

    no doubt...

    without him, the dark knight movie is... er... like nothing...

    just imagine if someone like brad pitt or owen wilson as the joker in the dark knight... hahahha....if he replaced by johnny depp, maybela.... at the same time, he is funny and creepy

  11. i'm agree with Gindarus ... but i also think that our "JediSapien" can play better than any of them ... haha

    *Jedi - sampai bila ko nak block aku .... aku nak jadi hero pun susah .. hmm ;-p~~

  12. b) Jack Nicholson did it for me...

  13. its show time!!!!!!!!!1

  14. him above me...its show time

  15. a) Cesar Romeo

    whatever that was in the sixties,,Batman,, which my gramma adored,, makes me LMAO eventhough when they are serious,, ! hehe,,

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