
Poll for guys....???

by  |  earlier

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EYES or SMILE ....or something else




  1. All the guys tell me how they like my body in general [butt, b***s], but they also tell me i'm pretty. I think most guys are looking for the full package

  2. Hair color Blondes

  3. smile

  4. Both. A girl can have a beautiful smile, but if her eyes are lookin at me and my buddy that is 15 feet to the right of me, it is kind of a turn off. I have seen girls with beautiful eyes and funked up teeth, too much meth I think.

  5. i cant pick either one, but if i had to i would pick smile. But I just look for the face in general not just one detail.

  6. smiles


  7. The Smile

  8. hm eyes

    but i like b***s!!

  9. i would say butt and then breast

  10. eyes  

  11. this question has nothing to do with mens health but it has a lot to do with a desperate girl.

  12. Eyes. Oh, and blonde hair.

  13. Smile of course, they gotta have teeth!  See too many here without!

  14. I would say their kind heart

  15. long hair

  16. it is hard to tell

    but the whole face combination is the determinant. If I have to choose, I will say smile.

  17. butt

  18. eyes

  19. Smiiiile.

  20. Hey Maria L !!!

    For me it would have 2 be both cause the complement each other but if I had 2 choose 1, I'd have 2 go with the eyes.

    After all, the eyes R the window 2 someone soul after all.

  21. personality

  22. If I had to choose between the two... I wouldn't be able to do it. They compliment each other. For me it's the overall face, not just one detail.
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