
Poll for parakeet owners!?

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How much time do you spend with your pet parakeet(s)? I try to spend around 5-10 minutes with them everyday; like whenever i enter my room, i give them a quick pet and kiss. My owner's manuel fro Petsmart says to spend up to 30 minutes with them everyday but i find that goal hard to achieve.

I have 2 birds so they have company, but i want to know how much time you spend with them. Thank you in advance!




  1. LOL.  I sometimes take mine to work with me, he runs around my desk.

    Otherwise he has outside in his cage time and free run around the house until he decides he wants to go back in. And he's pretty good at letting me know too.  :o)

    Each day is different and I try to give him plenty of variety and lots of different things to do.

    Right now....he is destroying the nice ladder I got for him...and having fun doing it too.

  2. i take them out and hold them for atleast the whole entire day.

  3. i hold mine for at least 4 hours a day

  4. I have two budgies (parakeets) and I don't handle them very often though they get to fly around my room whenever I'm home (so if I'm home all day, they're out of their cage all day). They don't mind (actually like) not being handled very often as they are not completely hand tame (I got them when they were older) and they have each other to smooch up to!

    Seeing as you have two birds, spending the most time with them as possible is good but not as essential as if you only had one bird. I let my birds have at least 30 mins fly time (outside their cage) a day which they love.

  5. I  admit  I  dont  spend  enough  time  anymore  either.  I have  two  but  I do try putting them inside  and  out  to give  a  variety for their  life.  and  change  toys  also.  *mamatx

  6. Our birds are caged and indoors, so we talk to them often. We tend to them daily, and sometimes let them out of the cage to play.

  7. um if i trid they would fly around all crazy-

    there not hand fed.

  8. when I'm in my room, I just get them out. I don't have to have them on my shoulders or anything, but just get them out and put them on a lil' gym you can get from wal*mart for 10 bucks. Also, rearrange toys often and make sure they have lots of COLOR in their life. That makes a world of difference. Sorry, i know this was only a poll, but i had to put my two cents       ; )   But i end up with anywhere from 15 to 30 min a day with them out and around me. Sometimes more now that it's summer. lol

  9. I breed them so I spend no time with them except feeding and cleaning but you should be handling a single one for at least 1 hour a day. If you have 2 you shouldn't worry about it they will provide company for each other.

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