
Poll: how would u feel if...?

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ur community was gated off by the government, the buildings in ur nieghborhood knocked down, it became illegal for anyone in your neighborhood to date anyone outside your neighborhood and u were demotid to a 2nd class citizen (u cant get a job unless absolutely no one else will take it)




  1. I would kill U! cuz i felt like it and feel like it NOW!

  2. I'd be Pissed.

  3. Lol, I am slow tonight, I had to read this 3 times to get it! Lol!!

    I would be OMG-ed!Wowee Wow Wow,wouldn't that be crazy! I would be thinkin' What happened to my freedom!!!!!!

  4. Yes you are talking about Palestine and I would feel very pissed of

  5. If I was shooting rockets at innocent people and acting like a terrorist, I would expect it. When you learn that blind hatred is getting you nowhere, things will improve. Good luck.

  6. sounds just like the illegal occuptation in Cyrprus by the turks from 1974-to now.

  7. Humiliation. Anger. Rage.

    ... ahh, yes, sounds quite like the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians.

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