
Poll: if you had your 1st menstruation at age 9, what's your adult height now?

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I would also like an expert opinion on this. i'm a very concern mom of a 9-yrs.old who recently just had her first period. She about 4'11 right now. Asian. Dad is 6 ft and i'm 4'11. I feel like a total idiot, she's always been tall for her age group even in kindergarten that I just though she's just a big girl. So puberty in my mind is not till 12 or 13. I've been having trouble handling this but of course I don't show it to her. I'm so afraid she'll be short just like me.




  1. my doc said dat 3 years after ur first period, u'll stay at da height u are at dat point, so she can still grow

  2. I got my period when I was 9 years old.  I was about 5" tall then.

    Now I am 20, and my final height is 5"7

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