
Poll of Britons: Would you be prepared to send British troops out to Georgia?

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David Milliband has taken the side of Georgia - and demanded withdrawal immeiately.

David Cameron has also taken a strong line against Russia - and says they have damaged relations.

Seems to me they have to be prepared to back up their verbal threats if they make them - or reserve judgement like France and Germany have done and not fan the flames.

I would definately not welcome military support for Georgia - in fact I'd be prepared to demonstrate against it. But what is your view.




  1. No,

  2. No.  We've made too many mistakes.

  3. Absolutely opposed to British military or any other kind of support for the US empire, which this is.

    The 'special relationship' means a president saying 'speak, boy!' and a prime minister replying 'woof' and sending young men and women to die for our colonial masters.

    Our last real Labour government kept British forces out of Vietnam.  A real Labour government would have kept them out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    David Moribund is of military age.  I suggest, if he is so enthusiastic, he go and join the Georgian militia, and good riddance to him - and I suggest he take a spare pair of trousers, as he may need them.

    Independence from America now!

  4. I say it is sad to see how whimpy the brits have become. The once proud british bulldog has lost it's teeth.

  5. No!Let the French and Germans make a positive contribution this time!Keep American and British troops out!

  6. I don't think we will have too much choice its on are door step.

  7. Miliband is a silly man who thinks that Georgia is name of a girl, and wants Russia to withdraw and stop penetrating further.

  8. Okay, following Germany isn't really a very smart move. Germany has a "special relationship" with Russia like the UK has with the US. Germany has signed deals with Russia to secure their oil and gas supplies, so aren't really going to be strong against Russia.

    It's quite easy for other countries to stay neutral but, Georgia will have a massive effect on our future and therefore I believe if necessary troops should be deployed and here's why;

    [] Georgia has been a heavy supported in Iraq, deploying 2,000 troops and therefore their withdrawal will have a knock-on effect on our own withdrawal

    [] Georgia is an important country in terms of oil and natural gas supplies which will limit future Russian energy strangle hold on the West.

    So much has been said about the "special relationship" between the UK and the US. However not so widely reported is the support from nations like Georgia. We owe it too them to have their backs on this one.

  9. No because I think Russia is in the right, but of course this stupid government will bow to Bush and do what he wants. Remember there is oil in Georgia isn't that telling you something.

  10. No its not our fight.  We shouldn't get our troops involved in other people's wars.  

    Britain's troops are busy in Iraq at the moment.  We don't want to get involved in any more wars.  The British taxpayer can't afford it!!!

  11. Only if it were a part of a NATO peacekeeping force.  NATO needs to stand up against Russia, who are making a mockery of them.  

  12. Possibly... and if you can suggest where we'd get them from, I'm sure the MoD would be interested to hear from you.

    Finite number of soldiers. Infinite possible number of flashpoints. You simply cannot commit troops to every cause the government likes.

    I'm not sure I'd support it anyway, at least not in an offensive role. If the Russians clear out it is very likely that the UN will want peacekeepers put in there, and I'd find that acceptable. But there's no justification for going in against the Russians, because while they are acting like a Cold War bully, they are not the only ones culpable in the area. Georgia, after all, shelled the major city in South Ossetia recently on the pretext of shelling terrorist positions. This is not the action of the victim. This is the action of the other guilty party.

  13. Absolutely not, let Russia and Georgia fight it out amongst themselves. As for that cretin Mini-Bond I would send him off to the Russian army. Neither Milliband nor Cameron have a clue when it comes to  getting this country put right, so from where do they get the idea they can "solve" the problems of other countries?

    Why should France or Germany say anything, they are quite happy to sit back as usual and let the stupid British government put foot in mouth as usual. So much for the brotherhood of the corrupt EU.  

  14. NO NO for goodness sake, we must NOT get involved with any more "wars" that are nothing to do with us.  Let America get involved if they must but we must no longer keep supporting Bush by sending in our guys.  

  15. no it's their fight let them get on with it

  16. complacency in the face of Russian Imperialism will be our downfall

  17. yes.. i'd be prepared to go assist the russians in repelling the georgian agression.

  18. Keep well away from the place.

  19. No fecking way!!

    Not without conscription. Those serving now have done their share in Iraq and Afghan.

  20. No we should not send troops to Georgia, look at the havoc they've caused in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  21. only if it was in the name of Britain and not in anyway connected to the EU or Europe. and of course if it was in the British interest. or the USA. couldn't give a  f... about anyone else.

  22. Typical Britain.... Getting involved when we shouldnt... I am from UK and i think that for once we have to let disputes sort themselves out... I mean, Russia and Georgia have the issues, it is up to them to sort it out, if they come across here and start trouble then fair enough but we have had too much war with Iraq etc... We need to stop sticking our noses in where they arent wanted.... Particularly when Russia could be a dangerous Nation to upset... We need them onside!! We should be like France and Germany and wait until we see the outcome... Not throw ourselves into it before thinking.... Instead of thinking about what the government feels is happening... and what should be done,... listen to the public and the troops who may not return... they should have a say....!!  If the people in the government who want to send out the rest of our troops are prepared to go on the front line then fine... but the prime minister and party leaders etc wont so stop butting in!!!! leave it to sort itself out!!!

    If politicians want to go into there and sort the situation out then fine but i am not prepared to send our valued troops into dangerous territory when this situation could be sorted out by itself!!

  23. No. The British Armed Forces are at full stretch. We can't afford to put our servicemen and servicewomen into yet another theatre.

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