
Poll of the day have you ever??????????????????

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broke wind on a first date?????

funniest answer wins




  1. well it happened on my first date with my man friend that I broke up with

    over 25 years ago.We had a first date after all those years & boy did I

    do it up big time we both laughed so much we almost peed ourselves !



  2. no i never have.

  3. I break wind all the time!! ha ha! I will just be sitting there and be like "umm I just farted and now I am going to walk away" and just hope that the smell is not deadly to my boyfriend or whoever I was around! But whatever, I know I am not the only one who does it! It is HILARIOUS!

  4. No.

  5. yeah it was silentl but deadly in more ways than one!

  6. No but i had really bad diarrhea on a first date. I didn't c**p myself or anything, but she couldn't figure out why i had a real nervous sweaty look on my face the whole night. We never dated again. I never told her I was holding back a rectal explosion.

  7. nope, thats a big no no

  8. Nope, but the first time I made love to the man who is now my husband....I broke wind during!  It was the humiliation of a life time!

  9. Lol, nope. Have you?


  10. No, but I almost broke my nose on a date.  I dropped her off at her house at the end of the night.  After she went inside, I stepped over by the rail road tracks to pee while a train was going by.  When I got done, I picked up a rock and tossed it at a train car when all the sudden, it flew back and hit me on the side of my nose.  I had a black eye; everybody at school thought she punched me.  Very embarrasing.

  11. yep did that and what a good one ALL WINDOWS DOWN ,,SHEW i am glad she was amused / shocked as me!  

  12. Break wind? that's impossible!

  13. h**l no!

  14. yes! but we were doing hookah and the water was bubbling so i dont think he noticed. well hopefully he didnt!

  15. Haha no, I can honestly say I haven't done that.

  16. if i did, it was probably silent...... they say those are deadly--but i was lucky it wasn't......LOL

  17. Well, I didn't,

    The guy did though.


    It was one of those silent but deadly ones too..i tried acting like i couldn't smell it but I couldn't help it and just started coughing/laughing.

    he was so embarrassed

  18. .........

    i've never..... ACTUALLY

    been on a...........


  19. No - not thus far..

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