
Poll on periods and weight?

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are you

a) normal weight

b) overweight

c) underweight

how often are your periods?

how long have you been trying to conceive?

do you have any fertility problems like pcos etc?

thank you! just trying to see if there's any pattern, as they say that being overweight and then losing weight helps regulate your periods.




  1. When I conceived my daughter Ava we were not trying to conceive.

    I conceived in 1 week of unprotected s*x

    I was normal weight, 135 lbs, 5'8''

    My periods were every 28 days for approx 3-4 days

  2. normal weight

    very regular (28days)

    took me 6month, miscarried, this is my 4th month and concieved again :)

    never had fertility problems

  3. Pre pregnancy normal to under weight, BMI 17.

    Didn't try to get pregnant just fell pregnant naturally.

    Periods were regular about every 28 days. although they did stop before xmas.

    I do feel bad for all these women that have to try for years before they fall pregnant.

    I'm 23 weeks and having a baby girl which is breech bottom down at the moment. I can't wait for her to be born.

  4. I am 5'6 and I guess you would consider me overweight...but my periods are very regular and it didn't take me long to conceive both my children.  I pretty much became pregnant on the first try

  5. Normal weight

    Periods come every 27-30 days.

    Been ttc 3 months (major sperm issue)

    No fertility issues on my end, that I am aware of...

  6. I am overweight.Morbidly obese to be more specific.

    Very regular periods, every 32 days like clockwork.

    Been TTC for 6 months.

    No diagnosed fertility problems.  

  7. normal weight 5'6 and 115lbs. 33 years old

    periods are extremely regular...every 26 days

    no fertility problems and ttc for going on 6 months now.

  8. Pre pregnancy:

    Normal weight

    32 day cycle

    both pregnancies were immidiate (w/in 2 months of trying)

    No fertility probs.

  9. i am normal weight

    my periods are every 29 days

    not trying to concieve

    no fertility probs.

  10. 34 yo

    Normal Weight

    30-31 day cycle

    TTC # 2 for 9 mths (#1 was within first mth)

    No fertility prob

  11. My pre-pregnancy BMI was 26, I was TTC for 8 yrs without success.  I have PCOS and slight endometriosis.  My preiods have always been irregular and it appears that I don't ovulate at all naturally.

    I was finally prescribed clomid to aid ovulation and I conceived straight away.  I miscarried at 5 weeks which was heartbreaking, but I was pregnant again within 3 months, again with the help of clomid.  I now have a beautiful 15 month old girl and count myself lucky.  We havn't prevented pregnancy since she was born and I am still not pregnant...

  12. not over weight, very healthy

    between 36 -42 days

    no but having tests now as been ttc for 10 months - finding it hard now. good luck x

  13. A- Normal 5'5- 110

    Periods range from every 26-32 days

    Got pregnant on first month of "not trying not preventing"

    No known fertility problems.

  14. Normal weight for my height, around the same date every month-ish

    not trying to conceive as I'm not even 20 yet, no fertility problems as i know of ^^glad to be of help.

  15. Well I am on the high end of normal weight, but haven't always been when I got pregnant I was the smallest I've ever been. Not currently trying to conceive, but I did get pregnant my first time, and I have never had a normal period, my "schedule" seems to be about once every 3ish months for anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks. I've been on all sorts of birth control and have still never had a normal cycle.

  16. 24years


    32 days


    I hope I dont have fertility probs but starting to wonder

    but ultrasond of ovaries shows nothing

    you should also ask age it is an important fact in TTC

  17. 5 ft 124lbs

    28 day cycle very regular

    mum to one  2 1/2 yr old girl who was unplanned (only had intercourse once in 2 months with my long term partner)

    now we are TRYING to conceive it's taking much longer!.

  18. - I am overweight now but have always had the same irregular cycle even when I was of average weight.

    - My cycles are between 29-40 days but I always ovulate.

    - We are TTC this month, but have been preparing since my first child was born. (3 years)

    - I just have irregular cycles, but other than that nope!

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