
Poll question...parents who leave children with grandparents?

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How many of you leave your children (under school age) with your mother or husband's mother (or dads, etc.)? Do they drive/walk to your house or do you take kids to them? If they come to you, do you compensate them for gas? Do you pay them for their services and who initated it if you do? Did they want you to pay them like daycare or did you offer to pay them. If so again, how much per week?




  1. Me and my son lived with my parents for the first 4 years of his life, so grandmas house is the best in his eyes, lol, and my parents miss my son to pieces so they always want to watch him and spend time with him, they will usually come pick him up from me (either meet me somewhere or come to my house) and take him to their house then I will usually pick him up from their house. No money because they are grandparents and that's what they do, lol. But it all depends on your situation and I guess if you are asking them or they are asking you, and how far away you live and your personal relationship with your parents/in-laws. Hope this helped!!!

  2. My boyfriends mom takes care of our daughter. She lives right down the street, and comes to our house every morning before we go to work.

    We offered to pay her. We actually only give her $15 a day. And she is fine with that. She does a great job in taking care of our daughter!

  3. My parents usually watch my daughter as a favor to me. I drop her off & pick her up. If they want to take her somewhere they usually pick her up & drop her off. If they were coming to my house everyday to babysit her I would at least offer them gas money. They are after all doing something to help me out. If they were watching her at their house & I was driving I would give them money for food & other expenses. It's only fair.

  4. My mother watched my daughter from 4 months to 5 years. Mon - Friday providing all meals, toys and outings.  She even took her to preschool and gymnastics from age 3 to 5 which I paid for.  I in returned did her housework once a week which she was unable to do because of breathing difficulties. Which I had done all along anyway. I was very appreciative of her.  My husband and I were very lucky. Our daughter loved her grandmother and they had a special relationship.  We miss her.

  5. my mother lives about 10 mins from my house so my daughter goes over there every day because my mother calls for her. so no i dont pay her. she wants her over there she even complains if i miss a day

  6. My kids (3 and 3 months) occasionally stay with my in laws and my dad is actually taking them this weekend. I don't know where you are, but where I come from you don't pay your kids grandparents to watch them for you, it should be a privilege. Unless you are talking like everyday while you are at work, and then you would offer to pay her I would say. See what her reaction is and then go from there.


  8. My in-laws take our 13 month almost every weekend, or close to it.  They live 45 miles away from us and usually drive 40 of those miles to meet us to pick up our son and then we drive the 45 to pick him up.  They would be super offended is we ever offered money.  Mother in law wants to quit her job to watch our son full time but the distance just makes it not possible right now.

  9. My girls grandparents take them every other weekend and have been since my 10 yr old was 2 months or so.  They do not want compensation, we have tried, they do it to spend time with them.  I have never seen two kids with such an amazing set of grandparents, their relationship is phenomenal.  They are my exes parents.

  10. I live close to my inlaws and not so close to my parents (I miss them!).  

    My inlaws RARELY keep my children. I am to the point of not even asking any more.  It's a big deal like it needs weeks of planning just for my husband and I to have ONE night out (and they usually give us a crappy time was from 4pm to 7pm on a Saturday!)

    We take them there or my MIL comes here if the FIL is working around the house.  I do not pay them, they've refused numerous times.

    When we visit my parents my mom wants my husband and I to go out and have fun so she can spend some one on one time with my boys. I love her for that!  My sister lives closer to them and my parents will babysit for her a few times a month or so. No charge. And my parents actually ASK to do it!

  11. My mother watches my son for a couple of hours a few times a week.  My husband drops him off and I pick him up.  We don't pay them, they would refuse if we tried.  They are just happy that they get to spend time with him.  

    If I was leaving him there all day, I would offer to pay them.  If they refuse, I would at least make sure that I supplied everything for the baby - diapers, food, change of clothes, toys, etc.  I would also provide the car seat and stroller in case they wanted to go somewhere.

  12. My mom watches my children 2 1/2 days and a full day.  I dont pay her, she doesn't want my money, she wants to spend time with her grandchildren.  Sometimes I make her take gas money, but we only live a couple mins. from eachother.  Or every once in a while I will pay a utility bill for her.

  13. I just have 1 now under school age, and I am going back to school so he will be staying with my mom a few days a week. Its my mom (my husbands parents have made it clear they didn't retire to babysit---even though their parents did it for them) Anyway, I will drop him off at her place or she will come stay at mine...depending on my dads work schedule (he needs to sleep in the day)

    I would be glad to pay, but she would never accept it.

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