
Poll/survey:How many of my Goofball Questions have you found/Answered?Do I quit now?

by  |  earlier

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Asking goofball questions...LOL..I am seriously losing points today!!




  1. LOL I know how you feel , babe.... I used to ask 10 in one day sometimes but now I ask about 5 at a time because I was losing too many points. LOL no wonder I am always stuck at level 2! :) The trick is to just keep asking them and you will develop a cult following. :)

  2. I like goofball questions, they give me a chance to practice my sarcasm!  lol

  3. This is my 2nd time I'm answering your questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOn't quit! keep asking!!!!!!! there are people like me who likes to answer them!!!!!!!!

    I like goofball question!!!!!!

    = ]

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