
Poll: what do you like/dislike about your school?

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Poll: what do you like/dislike about your school?




  1. i like the academics they offer

    i dislike my clasmates

  2. I go to a private school and there is a buttload of dislikes the students have such as:


    Dress code

    Outdoor school, where you have to cross the street to get to the other side. Yes, it sucks.

    We're a private school, but don't see where the money's going

    did I say dress code

    Yeah, they're strict!  :[

  3. i like teachers and i hate math classes

  4. i like that i'm learning a lot more than i was at my old school.

    i hate that we don't have air conditioning and some of the kids at my school are just a waste of space.

  5. I like my teachers, the classes, the people,  but i don't like when you  pay for a class but than the teacher never shows up and you get nothing out off it

  6. I like that it's a trade school. My trade is Design and Visual (Visual Arts and Graphic Design)

    I hate that it can't afford anything good. It's a poor school

  7. I like the social life i hate my scedual i hate getting up at 7 in the goddamn morning i hate not being able to do what i want and ya thats all

  8. I'm done with school hun!

  9. i like the class and not the teacher but dance

  10. Like: shop, computers, religions, history, geography.

    Dislike: The school often offers limited course selection and puts enjoyable courses during the same period as compulsory courses you need to graduate and thus you can not take the fun courses.

  11. there is so many things i dislike: i hate that our school is fxcking huge and i cant even find the d**n staircase, i hate our bus scheduling bc i shouldnt have to be searching for my bus all over campus and the girls in it are whores

    i do love the teachers(there very friendly) and the guys are nice too ;]

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