
Poll: what do you prefer, canabis or kubis?

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Poll: what do you prefer, canabis or kubis?




  1. whadda a ya think?

  2. I'm not a vegetarian .....

  3. well, i prefer grill onion!! is it count???

    PEACE =D

  4. cannabis.

  5. Can we eat canabis buat lauk?

    Fried Canabis served with sambal tempoyak.

  6. haha,, canabis la,,

    kubis got no kick,, and can give you gas,,

  7. kubis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!masak belacan!!!!!!!!!!!!!best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    GOD love kubis!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. rabies and scabies

  9. Are you trying to promote your ganja farm? sorry no advertising  allowed

  10. kubis

  11. ganja lah,  then got shiok

  12. kubis laaaaa

  13. Kubis masak sama tungking ayam ... so delicious ... until u l**k the pan ... ;-p~

  14. canabis

  15. crabis

  16. ...kubis tu kobis ek????,...cabbage isit???....

    ...can i smoke cabbage????

  17. better if both abis.

  18. kudis buta

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