
Poll...what is your favorite game to play?

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I love to play almost any game♥




  1. Monopoly

  2. Monopoly!

  3. I ♥Love♥ the new Monopoly....Electronic Banking,  no more fooling with all that money and keeping it straight!!!!!!!!!

  4. this is more of a card game but phase 10 is amazing!

  5. Scrabble for me.

  6. chess and almost anything that involves cards. but for like a monopoly style

  7. That's a tough one. Let's see......I'd say Life or Monopoly

  8. I like Balderdash, Apples to Apples, Monopoly, and Clue. I am a board game addict. :) Hope I helped! :)

  9. the ouija board even though it can bring evil


  10. I love card games, skipbo is my favorite. Also I like to play Nintendo games, the old mario games are my favs from those.

  11. Scrabble, Stratego, Memory Game, Scattergories, Pick-up Sticks

  12. My favorite games to play include Apples to Apples (which ROCKS!), Life: Twists and Turns, and Monopoly.

  13. Cranium, Perplexcity: The Board Game, Scattegories, Taboo, Apples to Apples, True Colors

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