
Poll: whats the difference between love and being in love?

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Poll: whats the difference between love and being in love?




  1. love is a feeling.

    and being in love is a trap, your pretty much stuck in it for a while.

  2. Infatuation and obsession.

  3. the difference between love and being in love is that being in love is when you feel every feeling that the other person feels when you breath the same air that they breath when you call them a hundred times a day just to say that i love you and you can't wait to see them at the end of the day love is when you can do without them and you could careless about hearing from them or seeing them just being around them just enough to prove that you have some feelings for them

  4. I love my kids and my dogs! I'm in love with my husband. i could love dozens, in love is an exclusive!!!!

  5. "Love" is what you call a bird you like.

    "In love" is what you say to your "love" when you want some s**y time.

    Nice talking to you love.x

  6. Being in love means wanting to reproduce with that other person. Love can mean anything - family love, charity love, etc. Doesn't have to involve marriage and stuff like that. Yay 2 points. Trying to reach level 3.

  7. Love goes deep, and it lasts forever

    In love is that thrilling, tummy turning feeling, when you just can't stop thinking about the other person. In love can fade and it does for a lot of people.

  8. The difference is in your heart..if you feel crazy for someone and you are ready to live with him then it's love..but if you only being exciting for someone then you are being in love..

  9. love is respect for someone or something. being in love is having yoru heart mind and soul into wanting to be in a commitment for someone

  10. You can love something. You're in love with a person.

  11. You love your favorite pair of shoes.

    You're in love with your significant other.

  12. I really dont know Becca I've been trying to avoid the love thing all together if I ever find out you'll be the first one I tell

  13. you can love many things and many are in love with only one....and the one person you are "in" love with makes your world go round.  you think about the person all the time and just want the time away to speed up so you can be with them.  now if that person is "in" love with you back is the only question...cause that would be a bummer.

  14. you love something

    your in love with someone

  15. In love is the initial stage where you idealize it. If you make it to the real thing love, you still love them even though you see they aren't really perfect.

  16. when you love someone, you sincerely want the best for them (ex. family and friends).

    being in love is the same thing, except you are also sexually attracted to them, you are infatuated with them, and you lust for them (ex. boyfriend/girlfriend).

    Usually the "in love" part fades after several years of marriage, but you still love that person.  

  17. You can love a particular item, but if you're in love that means you have a deeper feeling.

    When you are in love with someone, your love for them grows each day. you cant imagine a life without them. Every day you feel your heart has reached its largest point, it cannot hold anymore love in, and the next day it grows yet again for this person. They become as much a part of you as you are, you are IN LOVE with them.

    Simply loving someone is different, this is the kind of love you can have for your cousin, or brother, or a good friend, while they are in your heart, and you will protect them, and they do mean a lot to you, you still feel that if they were not there your life would not fall apart, it would be worse, but not agonizingly paining and sad. This is when you LOVE them.


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