
Poll--when your hand or foot falls asleep, how do you wake it up?

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Poll--when your hand or foot falls asleep, how do you wake it up?




  1. my hand- just make a fist and release(repeat a few times) and i shake it

    my foot- shake it around or try to walk it off

  2. Shake it, Put weight on it ( sit, hand weights ), Bite it, Open and Close it...

  3. sometimes it hurts right??

    like when it stings or whatever so i sometimes just sit there and dont move it  or i bang it lol

  4. Slap it back and forth !!!!!!!!!!        >:D  

  5. I rub it and move it around until the feeling comes back!

  6. I set the alarm clock on the hand or foot that fell asleep.


  8. Move it! LOL

  9. when my hand falls asleep shake it

    when ur foot falls asleep stamp around ur house

  10. Like if my hand falls asleep I just wave it around until it wakes up. But sometimes it tingles TOO much!!! LOL>

  11. bang on it lol

  12. I jiggle it, that usually dies the trick:)

  13. step on it. it feels really funny

  14. move it around.

  15. shake it  

  16. it's best to move it as much as you can because when your foot falls asleep it means it has not been active for some time

  17. Move it!!!!

  18. You shake it and say "Honey, wake up! It's time for school!", and then you wait for it to moan and get out of bed, but it will eventually wake up.

  19. I am missing both my arms and legs, Im typing this with my chin.

  20. foot-walk around and shake it

    hand-bite it and shake it

  21. shake it

  22. I walk around and do jumping jacks like a crazy person.

  23. I jump up and down crazily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And do ballet! lmao but I really do do that ^^

  24. throw it around

  25. chew on it

  26. Move it around and/or walk on it.

  27. suck on it...what do i know..i'm a dummy

  28. massage it and change the position. it will go away after a while! if you need more help contact me If this happens a lot it means that your body is low on Iron.

  29. hand ?-shake it out.

    foot ?- stay RIGHT where i am. Dead still.

    foot hurts ALOT.

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