
Poll: which of these fruits do you like better mango, papayas, guavas or star-fruit? and y ?

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Poll: which of these fruits do you like better mango, papayas, guavas or star-fruit? and y ?




  1. i like mango juice,

    guava yogurt,

    and i like eating star-fruit on the sims 2

  2. Mango.Because:

    King of fruits




  3. Mango

  4. Mango...cus it's just better

  5. Mango


  6. Mangoes and Papayas. I love both.

  7. I love them all.  My very favourites of fruit are the tropicals.

  8. Mango! It taste like many kinds of fruit put in one! So good

  9. Ew.. i dont like any of those fruits!! They're sick.. sorry if some of you like them but i just don't.. I like Grapes, Apples, Watermelons and one more but i can't remember what it is though..

    PLease answer:

  10. ohhhhmy, no brainer there

    mangomangomango of course

    The flesh, firm yet yielding, the skin, with that healthy blush, and the juice . . . . ohhhman, everywhere but part of the fun and so well worth it.

    "if you knew mango like I know mango" . . . . . . .

  11. Mango i love the sweet taste

  12. Mango's I don't know why I just do.. LOL.

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