
Poll: which outer space or the ocean?

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which would you rather explore the bottom of the ocean or outer space and why?




  1. Outer space is just vacuum.

    Ocean depths are teeming.

  2. hmm, that's a tough one. If I was guaranteed to find something in space (i.e. aliens, technology, etc.) then space. Otherwise I'd pry like to go to the bottom of the ocean and look for Atlantis =P

    I love all those myths and such. I'm also a huge fan of anything with space it's a toss up question for me.

  3. It wouldn't matter if you're soon to be divorced.

  4. the bottom of the ocean. imagine discovering a sea monster or treasures!

  5. outer space=biggest mystery/most information

  6. Outer Space - It would be so cool to be "on top of the world"

  7. Outer space, because it sounds like a better story to tell your friends. I imagine if I told them I went to the bottom of the ocean, the image they'd get in their heads would be me, at the bottom of a swimming pool, with a snorkel, picking up "hidden treasure" (pennies.)

  8. Soontoe, I personally think space exploration is a waste. In the Bible in Genesis GOD said "Let there be life on earth, not the earth and heavens and he did have specifics on wha the heavens were developed for and no where does he mention creation of trees,grasses,waters and land . And then he created Man to have dominion over the land and creatures on earth , not earth and in the heavens. So, why waste time looking for life where we were told none was created. Now the oceans hold many secrets of life of both Man and creature ( Atlantis is down there somewhere, under water as are more pieces of civilization and animals / aquatic life yet to be discovered, not to mention mineral deposits that can possibly be mined / harvested for our use and the uses for what we might find could be endless,including plant / aquatic life that could be used for medical cures of diseases. My vote is for oceanic exploration rather than outer space

  9. outer space because there is a lot of information to there maybe got aliens to discover...

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