
Poll: who believes that 9/11 was an inside job

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controlled demolition? planes denigrating on impact? what do you really think? do you think these are conspiracy theories? do they have some merit?




  1. RIGHT is still breaking about a meeting that Cheney had where he suggested having the military build boats to look like Iranian patrol boats....put Navy Seals on them....and then have those Navy Seals fire on our troops to instigate war with Iran.

    Notice that is a mainstream media link....there are many more out there.  How many of you knew about that?  Dont you think that if that happned, all of the people would blow the whistle?  You would be guy "kind of" blew the whistle.

    Cheney was the one in charge of scrambling aircraft on 9-11

    Bush wanted to paint a plane like a UN plane, fly it low over Iraq, to get it shot at and to the war started that way.

    Bush was trying to get support from England to take out Saddam in July of 2002 (the war started in 2003 in the month of March)

    Im not saying anything about lies about WMDs, lies about "spreading democracy", Im not bringing up WTC building 7 or a total lack of proof of a plane at the pentagon.  Im not bringing up the melting point of steel or the HUNDREDS of eyewitnesses who have come forward with all kinds of evidence pointing to an inside job......

    Im just giving you links to stories in the mainstream media.  

    9-11 was an inside job....I dont care how you look at it.

  2. Its obvious to everyone except the sheeple.

    These high profile military & intelligence peeps have some problem with the official BS explanations.

  3. I don't think 2 planes should be enough to make buildings like the towers collapse, there probably was something else.

    Also what about the 7th building? People always forget that. Even the commission did.

    And how come they didn't stop the planes? They were spotted as rouge a lot before impact.

    Too many questions with '"fishy" or no answers...

  4. Surly an inside job ,

  5. I watched on my TV in Australia ..... and my professional training informed me that unless the fire was brought under control the first tower would certainly collapse..... and then I saw the second plane strike the second tower.. and I knew that the world would change forever.

    Americans didn't plan that.

  6. its hogwash!

  7. Inside job.  Too many coincidences otherwise.

  8. Definitely an inside job - there is too much evidence. When has the government told us the truth? It seems like common sense to me.

  9. Aye, inside job.

  10. Yes I do, it was an inside job, this was covered up as quickly as if a UFO landed outside the White House. Like how did George Bush see the first plane hit on TV as it happened. When the only footage was filmed by a French Television crew filming New York fireman not by a TV station and was shown a day later on September 12th.

    He claimed he thought it was pilot error so instead he sat listening to 2nd graders reading - The Little Goat. Also he keeps trumping up the word "Americans" "Americans""Americans" whenever mentioning the victims of  9/11 when over half who perished were all foreign nationals.

  11. Those theories have absolutely no merit.  If there was anything questionable such as you described, it would have been revealed during the 9/11 Commission's investigation.  The government is notorious for not keeping very many things secret.  What I am saying is that if there was a conspiracy, we'd know about it by now.  

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