
Poll- who else is sick of questions with 2012 in them?

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At some point cant we just stop answering them? One guy has a standard answer that he copies and pastes. That seems like a much beter way to answer them then actually typing. What do you think? apperently as of june 2008 that question has been asked 10,000 times on yahoo.




  1. Well there are world end prophecies for 2012 in the Mayan calendar and the measurements in the Great Pyramid.

    Since no one will know for sure ahead of that time, maybe as new people hear about it they post not realizing it's already been overdone. I've seen it on many many forums.

    Then too car companies and some others talk about way ahead plans .

    Got an email today about the price of gas, what it will be, in 10 years...I mean really!

  2. I say that we all just sue the History Channel. Any good lawyers out there? I mean really, all they do on their shows is give one sided info and sometimes (i.e. doomsday shows) give one sided BS. All people do is want to make money any way they can. Its bad and people, usually young kids, fall for stuff like this. But then again cant some people just use their minds. Its tough when your young cause you'll fall for anything. Kids bottle up their emotions until they've had enough. I know when i was young i wanted to know anything I could about 2012 and then recently it clicked for me that all of that stuff is nonsense. I actually forgot about it until i started using YA!. Im sick of questions on here too. I asked a question about good jokes on here and they never posted it, but here comes someone different posting a sill question like this pass right through. To the question: whose fault is it that people always ask 2012 questions YA! or kids that use this. But the answer to why they are asking this is because of ill informed greedy SOBs.


    when i first joined, i was under the impression that i was going to get some REAL questions. instead, most of us are being reduced to answering questions like:

    <turn on hysterical cry>

    "oh my god! they are going to blow up pluto!"

    "did we blow up eris?! will it blow up earth?!"

    <turn off hysterical cry>

    i mean, come on people! lets get some real questions in here. and after 2012, the forum will be loaded with questions like "will the world end in 2013?"

    but i stay here and keep answering these questions. easy 2 points, and atleast i'm talking some sense into these people.

    EDIT: i know a couple people who just copy and paste their answers. Geof G does i think. i know Brant does. Nix even created a website about it and he puts in the web address. i put that address in my answer too. what we need to do is we need to all get together, and formulate one ultra informative copy and paste answer and just answer the same thing every time. maybe then they will stop. some of the questions are sinsere, but i think that now, most people do it just to annoy us. i still copy and paste. i also have a copy and paste for the moon landing, the LHC, and alien life. but i use the one about 2012 the most.

  4. i got idea to stop them.

    just answer them yes planet x is going hit earth and everyone is going to die!!!! l[]l

  5. I'm that guy.  And I'm not embarrassed about it.  In fact, I once suggested that all the regular contributors here should make up a good answer and just post it whenever they see that number.  I revise it from time to time and I will change things due to the details of the question being asked, but I think it is a fair and reasonable way to do it.  If you want to go off and try something new once in awhile, sure.  But I figure we're going to get this question thousands of more times.  Many of us will want to keep answering it because we are concerned about these poor kids who don't know any better.  So why go to all that effort, especially when some people come here just to see their silly beliefs validated?

    I gave this a lot of thought.  The answer is entirely mine.  I would never copy someone else's stuff.  I also did my own research, so I feel justified in quoting myself.  This keeps me from getting frustrated and helps out the kids, too.

    Edit:  It breaks my heart to see so many 12 year old kids come here, wondering if they are going to live long enough to graduate from high school.  It pains me to see them so concerned with dark premonitions and mortality when they should be so full of life and hope that they can't even consider such things.  I will keep posting my boilerplate over and over again.  We can thank that goddamn History Channel for all of this mental abuse that these kids suffer.  I can do my little part to undermine the intellectual corruption.  As we get closer to that date, the more they will need us.

    Edit: Oh, okay.  I guess scienceman, does too.

  6. Did I miss it? Whats going on with 2012? The day the earth stands still? A little more clarity would help.

  7. i want questions about 2012 to be a bannable offense.

    (actually, I think I asked one once... but it was a JOKE!)

  8. everyone has the right to be curious.  if you don't like people asking questions, you should not be on a Q/A website,

  9. Fear doesn't become you...

    If you are saved, you have nothing to fear!

  10. poll - who else realizes this makes it 10,001?

  11. Go to Windows Live Q&A there's virtually no 2012 questions there.

  12. Sure, it's sickening.  But that kind of thing helps us identify the dipshits among us.

  13. I agree with Brant. The slimeballs at the History channel should be ashamed of their money grubbing irresponsibility. I've recently said that if I lived nearby and I heard the HQ was burning down I'd turn up with a few bottles of kerosene!  

    I don't really mind answering.  The kids here are at least asking, think of the thousands who are not and believe this junk with nobody to say it's wrong.    

    I'm not sure that a standard answer coming for more than one person about 2012 is a good idea.  Looks too much like "conspiracy" and conspiracy nonsense is what 2012 is next door to.    

    But I see no reason why a mass standard answer can't be used for the Moon landing questions and the UFO / alien ones too.  

    I favour the term FFO for fraudulent flying object.  Can we use that?

    It was about July 4 or 5 I checked and saw 2012 had something like 9,985 hits.  Of course some of them might have been questions like yours.

  14. " of june 2008 that question has been asked 10,000 times on yahoo."

    Did the 2012th questioner win anything?

    As I've said before, the more 2012 questions there are, the fewer Moon landing hoax questions there seem to be. Apparently the conspiracy theorists have a limited attention span (like I really need to point that out.)

    Personally, I find the 2012 questions much less offensive and easier to ignore than the hoax questions.

  15. I have been pasting my same 2012 answer.

  16. Well kinda.. but I am get used to it.. perhaps we will not stop hearing all the question regarding 2012 until the Dec 21st, 2012...

  17. Unfortunately, the subject of 2012 is a hot topic right now and will be for some time to come or untill that day does come. Because of that, these questions will continue being asked in different ways and formats pretty much seeking the same answer. It would be great if we could have a "sticky" question about it at the top of the list with the best and most complete answer that anyone here can give so that all who come here seeking an aswer won't have to keep asking it every hour of everyday and those who are tired of seeing it won't have to keep seeing it every hour of every day.

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