
Poll: why does the idea of underage drinking horrify everyone here?

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"drinking is very bad. yo I got a fake ID though" - Abraham Lincoln




  1. reduces inhibitions allowing bad decisions to be made like drinking and driving, getting pregnant, etc., not saying that older adults don't make these bad decisions too, but they are less likely to because they have more responsibilities and more to lose.

  2. I'm not horrified by it, but I know middle schoolers where I live who go out and get wasted every night. That's pretty screwed up, but it's not my d**n life

  3. Well it's illegal and I will not buy alcohol for minors but I drank as a minor. My parents let me get drunk in my room with a friend or two if I wanted. (the friends parents had to say it was okay).

    Honestly though I drank so much as a teen that when I hit 19 and could legally drink it just wasn't that much fun.

  4. I hope that my answer does not fall on death ears.  While you are underage the world already seems like it is going to crash down on you and that you have problems that no one can possibly help you with or understand.  Drinking only makes matters worst and places a mask over your eyes to conceal the truth of the matter.  I can tell you this because I have suffered the effects of drinking when I was young and looking back now if i had to do it all again I would change my ways.  Today I now without any doubt had I not drank at a very young age I would be much more than I am today.  I really hope this helps you my Friend.

  5. LOL i was like 12 first time i got really tipsy . underage drinking is nothing and its only underage here cause our government sucks.

  6. Because it kills a lot of kids.

  7. I'm sure it doesn't horrify EVERYONE that's a bit of an exageration but it is a terrible thing to do. Unfortunately thousands of people do it. People wonder why the government puts limits to our rights. Sure the government isn't perfect and politicians are a bunch of liars, but imagine if they took off the age restrictions. We already have a whole bunch of females getting pregnant at age 14. We need to have SOME kind of control on society.

  8. People are very concerned about the health of their fellow man... nah, It's because they can't mind their own darned business.

  9. Does it? I didn't get the memo.

    I do think if you're old enough to enlist in the army and kill someone for your country, you should be able to buy a drink!

  10. not "everyone". i think drinking age should be lowered to 18. Not that an age number really makes a difference. Some countries in the world have NO drinking age at all.

    You should go on Youtube and listen to George Carlin on underage drinking. He nails it on the head. He brilliantly argued why there should be NO age limit for drinking. I'm 15 and he convinced me to start drinking.  

  11. whose everyone?

    Teenagers only drink because they think it's hardcore

  12. not me,  I drank so much alcohol before I turned 21 that I quit drinking before I was legal to drink.  the ones that usually drink and drive are the old men who go to bars and drive home, killing someone !

  13. doesn't horrify me. I'm that one that hits on drunk chicks! You wanna make my job easier all the power to you.

  14. Because drinking impairs judgment and you add alcohol to immature minds and you have one sticky wicket, what?

  15. Everyone?

  16. it doesnt horrify me because... i was an underage drinker.

  17. The real problem lies with "of age" drinkers. MADD COW'S.

  18. I read the responses, true not everyone is horrified, but points were missed.  It is illegal for very good reasons.  It predisposes the drinker to alcoholism.  It is medically quite harmful to a growing, developing body.  One can drink enough without realizing they are getting poisoned.  No parent wants to go to the morgue to identify your body and go into shock for months.  Get it?

  19. "drinking is very bad. yo I got a fake ID though" - J'kwon.

    It ain't Abrahammmm.

    No but, it doesn't horrify me either. I'm 14 I drink

    when my parents let me, It's bad if your drunk, it's bad if your paralyzed. but it's not bad when you drink not that much.

    lol, the law is trying to control us, from the good and bad.

    like Weed, is bad for you!! well it's not true, it doesn't harm like regular ciggs! and we have no scientifc answer if it gives cancer. So if weed is bad and dangerous why is a ciggeret legal to smoke? if it can harm and kill you?

  20. b/c we all did it and know its only by the grace of God we didn't get killed or kill someone. when you are self supporting and responsible have at it but until then its wiser to stay sober.

  21. It doesn't horrify me - my sister drinks underage.  I just disapprove of it because underage drinkers do some really f*cked up sh*t (well over here the do anyway)

  22. I don't think it horrifies people as much as you may think. I do think that people worry, especially once they are of age and have had experience, that younger persons will not and do not know how to handle alcohol. How many youths binge drink and drink because it's cool? A lot. Which are bad reasons. Many kids in other countries don't glamorize alcohol consumption or binge drink. Maybe it's about responsibility.  

  23. Cause underage people are annoying enough without the effects of Alcohol!

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