
Poll: would you marry somebody of a different religion than you ???

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Poll: would you marry somebody of a different religion than you ???




  1. totally

  2. JUST NO KABBALAH...well and the "extreme" religions...

  3. YUSH!


    (irish bishop face palms  hehehe)

  4. no thanks!

  5. yeah

  6. yes as long as it was a Christian religion and i did

  7. I don't have a religion myself..But i would marry somone that did have one..

  8. i did

  9. yes, and I did.  Almost anyone could be of a different religion, however,

    we still pray to the same God.  He can be called all different names,

    however, there is only one.

  10. yes

  11. No.

  12. Ya I don't really share one religion, and I'd be able to respect that person's opinions.

  13. yes and i plan to

  14. yeah.

  15. Yes but if she starts preaching buddah im not getting down on my knees with her

  16. yup religion doesn't matter to me

  17. you can't help who you fall in love with the universe brings you together for a reason.  History has proved that. So yes definitely

  18. I already did.

  19. I can't, cause I'm Muslim, and in my religion I HAVE to marry a Muslim.

    Which really sucks....=/

    But I would DATE a guy that's a different religion.  

  20. shure not rlly into that religion stuff although i doo belive much in god.

  21. Yeah.

    After I convert them! lol, just kidding.

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