
Poll: would you rather......?

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Be buried in a tub of snakes or buried in a tub of rats?

also could u?

check out my youtube videos? much appriceated...




  1. Oh god, definitely rats. Snakes scare me more than anything.

    Cute videos; I didn't watch all of them but it looks like you and your friends have fun. Reminded me of last summer with my friends, best times everrr : )

  2. Snakes.

    Funny vids. Could you check out mine?

  3. Rats any day.. I have a deathly fear of snakes and anything like that.

  4. well, it depends what kind.

    - if they were POISONOUS snakes and pet rats, then rats.

    - if they were wild rats and nonpoisonous/pet snakes, then snakes.

    -if they were both wild/poisonous, then rats.

    if there are any other situations i think of , or u think of, then I'll add it in, if I ever look back @ this question.  LOL

    EDIT: nice videos....LOL

  5. Rats!

  6. snakes I hate RATS!  lol Nice channel! ur vis are coool!  

  7. Definitely rats! Snakes freak me out!

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