
Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Obama is the most Patriotic, Experienced, Credible Presidental Candidate ?

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Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Obama is the most Patriotic, Experienced, Credible Presidental Candidate ?




  1. Now that's a hard sell man...  If you can sell it, I know of many companies that are looking for a marketing manager.

  2. no not even close

  3. OMG!! LIKE NO!!!!

    I wouldn't let him be in charge of a McDonald's for a day, let alone a country.

  4. Uh NO!!!!!

    145 days experience in Washington, Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.

  5. Obviously not.

  6. This election isn't about who's more patriotic and credible.  It's about us, the people, and what we want.  4 more years of Republican's failed policies?  

    Obama 08

  7. That's hilarious.

  8. yes.  look at what he's done for al qaeda.  he's made it into one of the most feared network in the world.  he's got all midleeastern nations behind him.  he's the bomb, or rather, his people are the bomb.

  9. I absolutely do not.

  10. YES

  11. I believe both are patriotic. Its just McCain is so stupid he will do stuff bad for the country without realizing. Or maybe with. Obama is way better.

  12. Absolutely not!!!

    Patriotic?? Won't wear the lapel pin.. doesn't salute or put his hand over his heart???

    Experienced??? just exactly what has he done in his whole 143 days... big deal!

    Credible?? Hmmm. still haven't found out  if he was actually born on American soil.. and then there is the little matter of his 20 year racist past???

    So... No.. I don't think he is suited to hold any kind of public office.. unless there is one for town crier.. he is good at that!

  13. ibpoll

    No, even his vp is more experienced  

  14. No, but neither is McCain.

  15. So, if I wear a lapel pin and salute you with one hand while the other is pressed against my heart, wrap myself in the American flag, simultaneously recite the pledge of allegience and sing the national anthem, am I a patriot?  Even if I do that while making policies that allow the super rich and big corporations to profit while your home is foreclosed upon, your small business goes under, and the prices of gas and food skyrocket?  How about if I do it while sending your son or brother into an illegitimate war and then deny him healthcare and education benefits when he returns to the family that's been living on food stamps and welfare while he's been bleeding for our so-called freedom?  And am I still a patriot when I and my lapel pin have a personal conversation with god about how best to circumvent the Bill of Rights to torture and deny counsel to alleged terrorists while illegally spying on Americans?  Give me an effing break!  If you want your country's leader to have absolute power (e.g., dictatorship), go live in Saudi Arabia or Iran or China.  This is America.  In this country, patriotism is not defined by our accessories.  It's defined by our willingness to stand up against the kind of tyranny and fascism that's usurped our democracy these last 8 years.

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